
Tuesday, March 10, 2009

UK : Studentships in Optometry and Visual Science

PhD Studentships in Optometry and Visual Science, City University London, UK

Department of Optometry and Visual Science, City University London

The Measurement Techniques in Vision Laboratory at City University London provides a lively research environment with a unique mixture of vision scientists, computer scientists and mathematicians. The laboratory works closely with our clinical partner at the Moorfields Eye Hospital London. Three fully-funded full-time PhD studentships are now available in this laboratory focussing on projects in the following areas:

  • Visual disability in glaucoma
  • New perimetry tests for glaucoma
  • Observer performance in medical imaging

Detail about these specific projects can be found on the lab web pages at:

Results from these PhD research projects are likely to generate considerable interest and will be presented at conferences in the US and Europe, and extensive travel funding for this is available.

The studentship is not restricted to those with a particular background; rather we seek able scientists who can demonstrate real enthusiasm for these exciting projects. A suitable candidate will have a good honours degree or preferably an MSc in any scientific subject, psychology, computing or optometry. Detailed knowledge about vision or eyes will not be required but experience at performing experiments with human subjects would be an advantage, as would be a familiarity with computing and analysing data. The 3-year studentships are open to all EU candidates and are worth £15K per annum (tax free), with all fees for PhD registration paid. (Non EU students would have to subsidise the relevant fees). Opportunities for paid work demonstrating, teaching and administration within the department are available.

Applications (CV, including 2 referees and a statement of interest about the project area you wish to apply for) should be submitted to:

Dr. David Crabb.
Department of Optometry and Visual Science, City University London Northampton Square, London EC1V 0HB
T +44 (0)20 7040 0191 email:

Informal enquires are strongly encouraged.

Deadline for applications: April 10th 2009

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