
Friday, June 6, 2008

PhD Studentship in Economics, City University London

The Department of Economics at City University, London, is able to offer a three-year studentship to a candidate who wishes to read for a PhD in Economics starting October 2008. The studentship will consist of full remission of fees for three years plus a subsistence grant of £13,500 per year. In return the successful candidate will be expected to provide up to 50 hours per year of undergraduate class teaching and mark 50 undergraduate coursework scripts. Additional teaching and marking may be undertaken subject to approval of the student’s supervisory panel and will be paid at our normal rates.

The areas of interest to the Department are:

  • Competition and regulation
  • Development Economics
  • Econometrics and economic theory
  • Financial economics
  • Health economics
  • History and philosophy of economics
  • Macroeconomics and international economics

For more information about current research activity in the Department, please go to this page, and follow the links from to individual staff web pages. Applicants are advised to contact potential supervisors in their research area with their proposal before making a formal application.

Application procedure.
Please follow the procedure indicated at this page, making clear that you wish to apply for the Departmental Studentship.

Your proposal should follow the format described at here.

Applications for the studentship must be received by Friday 18 July 2008. In the event of any queries, please contact the Senior Tutor for Research, Professor Giulia Iori: g.iori[ at ]

Deadline: 18 July 2008

MSc Student Opportunity in Water Resources, University of Saskatchewan

Canada: MSc Student Opportunity in Water Resources, University of Saskatchewan

Graduate Student Opportunity
Location: University of Saskatchewan
Academic Program: Department of Geography, or School of Environment and Sustainability
Project: We are seeking a M.Sc. student with an interest in water resources and environmental effects assessment in watersheds.

You will join a Canada Water Network research team of 8 professors from 6 universities, including 6 graduate students, working together to develop The Healthy River Ecosystem Assessment System (THREATS) for assessing and adaptively managing the cumulative effects of human developments on Canadian freshwaters. The project is based at the University of Saskatchewan and led by Dr. Monique Dube, CRC in Aquatic Ecosystem Health Diagnosis.

Start date: September, 2008 (summer start date or availability for summer field work preferred)

Funding: fully funded, Canada Water Network

For more information contact Bram Noble @ 306-966-1899 or

PhD Positions in Mathematics and Numerics for Inverse Problems, University of Bergen

Research Fellow (PhD position) - Mathematics and Numerics for Inverse Problems

PhD Positions in Mathematics and Numerics for Inverse Problems, University of Bergen

At the Department of Mathematics/CIPR a 3-year position as Research Fellow (PhD position) is available within the area of Mathematics and Numerics for Inverse Problems. Work location will be at CIPR.

The project, which is financed by the Norwegian Research Council and several energy companies, is collaboration between research groups at CIPR, University of Bergen and CMA, University of Oslo ( ). The candidate will participate in an international network of researchers focusing on development of novel computational methods for solving inverse problems. Such methods are very important within, for example, modelling and remote monitoring of flows in petroleum reservoirs and modelling and remote monitoring of geological storage of CO2. The candidate will focus in particular on development and analysis of inversion methods based on more than one data type. We seek a candidate with background from at least one of the fields: applied/numerical mathematics, physics, or mathematical statistics.

The research fellow must take part in the Universitys approved PhD programme leading to the degree within a time limit of 3 years. Application for admission to the PhD programme, including a project plan outline for the training module, will be worked out in collaboration with the research group in question.

The fellowship period may be reduced if the successful applicant has held previous employment as research fellow.

Applicants must have achieved a masters degree in mathematics, physics or related areas, or have submitted their master thesis for assessment by the application deadline. It is a prerequisite, however, that the formal admission requirements for the PhD programme are met before appointment can be made.

Starting salaries at salary level 43 (code 1017) on the government salary scale; currently corresponding to NOK 325,800 gross p.a.; following ordinary meriting regulations (range 43/47).

For further information about the positions please contact Adjunct Professor Trond Mannseth, phone 55583675, e-mail, or Adjunct Professor Sigurd Aanonsen, phone 55583287, e-mail

Women in particular are invited to apply. If, in the opinion of the evaluation committee, several applicants have approximately equivalent qualifications, the rules on equal opportunities laid down in the Personnel Regulations for Academic Positions will be applied.

State employment shall reflect the multiplicity of the population at large to the highest possible degree. The University of Bergen has therefore adopted a personnel policy objective to ensure that we achieve a balanced age and sex composition and the recruitment of persons of various ethnic backgrounds. Persons of different ethnic backgrounds are therefore encouraged to apply for the position.

The University of Bergen applies the principles of public openness when recruiting staff to scientific positions.

The successful applicant must comply with the guidelines that apply to the position at any time.

The electronic application must include a complete overview of education and professional activities (CV), scanned copies of diplomas and transcripts, publications, a list of publications and other scientific works, and contact details of two or three referees, and should be sent to

Closing date for applications: 20 June 2008

PhD Studentship in Psychology, University of Birmingham

A qualitative study of British South Asian Carers’ views of their Children with Developmental Disabilities

A collaborative studentship provided by Wolverhampton Primary Care Trust and the School of Psychology, University of Birmingham.

Funding is available for a three-year PhD studentship from October 2008, for a largely qualitative research project which will involve close collaboration between the School of Psychology at the University of Birmingham and the Wolverhampton Primary Care Trust. The proposed research will seek to develop an understanding of the views of South Asian parents about their children, and about their developmental disabilities. A detailed, culturally-sensitive, and systematic account of these views will allow us to understand their role in shaping the care of children. The project will allow us to better understand parents access to, and interactions with, service systems. As a result, we will be able to help South Asian carers to use services more effectively, and for services to adapt more effectively to the needs of this client group.

Research supervision will be provided by Dr John Rose and Dr Michael Larkin in the Clinical Psychology team. Dr Rose has a track record of conducting and supervising research in the field of developmental disability; Dr Larkin has a track record on conducting and supervising qualitative and phenomenological research in the area of culture and psychology. The successful candidate will join a 5* RAE-rated Psychology department with excellent facilities, established research groups, and substantial external funding. The School supports around 250 postgraduate students in professional training and research degrees.

The studentship requires an Honours degree in Psychology (2:1 or above); Enthusiasm for research, and commitment to producing and disseminating excellent qualitative research; Commitment to the wellbeing of people with learning disability, and their families; Good communication and organisational skills. Prior knowledge of qualitative or phenomenological psychology would be a considerable advantage, as would fluency in at least one South Asian language.

The studentship will be at the basic UK research council rate (expected GBP 12,600 per annum) to provide support over the three-year period, and will cover tuition fees. The student may also be eligible to contribute to our paid Teaching Assistant programme.

For more information, and informal discussion about the studentship, please contact Dr. John Rose ( or Dr Michael Larkin ( To obtain the Schools Research Studies brochure and an application form, please contact Ms. Parveen Chahal (

The closing date for applications is 30th June, 2008.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

MSc and PhD Studentships in Brain Surgery Simulation, High Performance Computing

High Performance Computing MSc+Ph.D. position available at the University of Glasgow on Massively Parallel Brain Surgery Simulation with the extended finite element method (XFEM and FleXFEM) (University of Glasgow) — funding body is EPSRC.

One year MSc in HPC in Edinburgh (all costs covered by funding) + 3 year Ph.D. and access to HecToR, one of the world’s largest super-computer, including training with experts in massively parallel simulation (10,000+ processors).

Supervisor: Dr Stephane Bordas,Dr Lee Margetts (Manchester)

Collaborators: Prof. Ray Ogden and Prof. Gerhard Holzapfel

Medical experts: two expert surgeons in Belgium and medical imagery specialists

UK or EU students preferred,

Standard EPSRC Stipend + all fees covered.

Aims and Objectives
This project aims to devise and validate a uniquely effective fully parallel surgery simulation tool for use in the training, rehearsing and objective evaluation of surgeons to eradicate much of the uncertainty in improving existing and creating new surgical procedures. High Performance Computing (HPC) is today the only way forward to simulate the effects of various strategies for cutting and manipulating brain tissue both accurately and in real­time. Achieving this will provide a step ­change in surgical.

Aim: The main long­term aim of the research in which this studentship is inscribed is to reconcile real­time and accuracy in brain surgery simulation through cutting­edge computational mechanics, high­performance computing and realistic brain matter mechanical models. Achieving this aim is not reasonably possible within a Ph.D.­level research, the proposed work will provide a detailed proof ­of concept required for further research by tackling the following four objectives.

(1) Optimise accuracy versus computational cost through cutting­edge numerical methods (2) Develop and test massively parallel algorithms developed by leaders in HPC to achieve real­time simulations (3) Utilise rigorous experimentally­informed mathematical models of brain
tissue developed by world leaders in the field (4) Validate and verify the proposed simulation tool.
For the first time in the field of surgical simulation, the increased efficiency (objectives 1 and 2) will
allow realistic non­linear material models to be used (objective 3) without sacrificing accuracy.

What is there for you in this project?

Benefit to the student: Suitability of the project for training Through the unique HPC training, the
student will acquire cutting­edge skills in high­performance computing. By working closely with Lee
Margetts, and expert in HPC, the proposed project will allow him/her to build upon and hone these
skills beyond the MSc training. What is more, the proposed research is highly multi­disciplinary and
will train the Ph.D. student in computational biomechanics, which is a leading theme in today’s research. More specifically, two major sets of skills will be acquired:

Numerical methods for evolving discontinuities [OpenXFEM++, FleXFEM, SB]
XFEM is one of the most highly researched fields in computational mechanics ­­5 articles in 1999­2000 and 74 in 2006­
2007 for a total of 138 journal papers between 1999 and 2008 (source: scirus) and more than 400
citations of the original paper [8]. This method and its sibblings such as the Flexible XFEM (FleXFEM) is very likely to become an industrial standard in the coming decade. The student will join SB’s group, one of the most active and recognized developers of XFEM today both academically and industrially, which will be essential in the transfer of his/her skills after the Ph.D.

Element­ by­ element massively parallel architectures [ParaFEM, LM] An essential point for this research is that after his/her Msc, the training of the student in HPC will continue intensively, through the involvement of Lee Margetts, a recognized expert in massively parallel computing and an experienced developer of HECToR supported packages. In particular, the student will be gradually introduced to ParaFEM, developed and maintained by Lee Margetts.

Additionally, the student will benefit from the ongoing work of the team of Profs. Ogden and Holzapfel in soft­tissue modelling and be exposed to some of the leading­edge research by Prof. Ray Ogden’s group, of the host organisation, a world leading expert in fundamental theory in nonlinear elasticity. These sets of skills are highly transferable and will provide the individual with a powerful springboard for a successful career.

Please contact me for more details, this is only a preliminary advert

email: stephane dot bordas at gmail dot com

See also:

PhD Fellowship on Formal Methods and Computer Algebra

Research Institute for Symbolic Computation (RISC) Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria

Austria: PhD Fellowship on Formal Methods and Computer Algebra, Johannes Kepler University

In the frame of a newly established doctoral program for computational mathematics, we can offer to students with a master degree in computer science or mathematics a three years PhD fellowship (October 2008- September 2011) in the area of “formal methods and computer algebra”, see

Net salary (after taxes) is about 17700 € per year

For more details and applications forms see:

Deadline for application: June 30, 2008

Further questions can be directly addressed to:

PhD Scholarships in Materials Chemistry and Nanotechnology, Monash University

Australia: PhD Scholarships in Materials Chemistry and Nanotechnology, Monash University

We are currently looking for students who want to pursue a PhD in Materials Chemistry or Nanotechnology in 2008/2009.

Applicants must satisfy the following requirements:

  • Master or Bachelor (Honours) or equivalent in Chemistry, Materials Science, or Chemical Engineering.
  • Fluency in English.

Moreover, experience in some of the following areas is desirable: Polymers, Nanomaterials, Surface Analysis, Sol-gel Process.

Qualified candidates are encouraged to submit their application (including CV and copies of transcripts) via e-mail to Dr. Walid Daoud. Consideration of applications will begin in 2008 and will continue until the positions are filled.

Please send applications (via email as pdf, including CV, publication list and transcripts) to Dr. Walid Daoud.

Dr. Walid Daoud
School of Applied Sciences and Engineering
Monash University Churchill, Australia
Phone: 61 3 990-26411
Fax: 61 3 990 26738

For more information, please visit the group homepage.

International Master in Economics and Finance

12th programme
Department of Economics - Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia
September 2008 – July 2009


The objective is to train students to acquire a deeper and more sophisticated knowledge of economic and financial tools, thus preparing specialists in the fields of the analysis of financial markets, risk measurement and management, banking and corporate finance.

The International Master in Economics and Finance is a truly unique programme. No other school in Italy can offer a faculty of such high-standard international ranking. Courses are in English to encourage interaction between international students, as well as with the international teaching staff. The Master’s programme is a limited entry course. The maximum number of places available is 20.

The links with financial markets and institutions facilitate contacts with many prospective industry employers and guide individuals through the choice of their career path and job application process. Almost all our students find a job immediately after the end of the Master in leading financial institutions or in research centres.

ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS: Applicants have to satisfy one of the following requirements:

  • hold a specialist degree (laurea specialistica) in accordance with the new Italian university system;
  • hold a four-year degree in accordance with the previous Italian university system;
  • (for foreign students) hold an equivalent university qualification. For admission, the Academic Board determines the educational equivalence of the foreign graduation.
  • applicants are allowed to enrol for the Master before obtaining their degree. However, they must acquire their degree within the academic year previous to the one in which the Master falls in. (e.g.: Master edition 2008-09, degree obtained within the academic year 2007-08).

At the end of the courses, each student is offered an internship period which usually leads to a subsequent placement. For the internship/placement assignment, IMEF is facilitated by privileged channels with national and international firms, banks and financial institutions, in Italy and in other European countries.

THE MASTER’S PROGRAMME: The Master’s programme will be held at the ICEF (International Center for Economics and Finance), Department of Economics, University Ca’ Foscari of Venice. Full details of the programme are given on:


FURTHER INFORMATION: For more information and details on how to apply go to:


IMEF Academic Secretariat
ICEF-Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche
Secretary: Ms Vania Levorato
Cannaregio 873, San Giobbe
30121 Venezia, Italy

Tel.: +39 041 23 491 74 / 95
Fax : +39 041 23 491 76


Postdoctoral Position in Economics and Finance, University of Venice

The ICEF ( conducts international research in the fields of Finance, Economics and Financial Econometrics. It also provides academic courses in these areas and organize the International Master in Economics and Finance.

The ICEF currently has the following vacancy: Postdoctoral fellow, full time for 24 months, for the project ‘Hedge funds: tail event behavior and absolute alphas’.

Recent literature evaluating hedge funds performance asserts that there seems to be a talent in the hedge fund industry. One of the main problems in the research on the hedge funds extra-performance is the need to take into account the well known non-normality on returns and the non linear dependence from standard asset benchmarks due to the use of derivatives and dynamic trading strategies. How this affects the performance measurement is one of the central issues in this project. The focus is on the integration of dynamic models for risk measurement and hedge funds replication strategies. This project will allow a junior researcher to develop studies on a new area of finance: the alternative investments and specifically the hedge fund industry.

This is a project co-financed by the University Ca’ Foscari of Venice ( and GRETA (Venice,

The ideal candidate should hold a PhD in Finance (or be very close to finishing its PhD). A strong research potential in Finance are required.

The candidate is expected to conduct high-quality empirical research and to interact with other faculty members. Good writing and computing skills are essential. Fluency in English is required. The position is free of administrative duties and teaching obligations. If a small teaching load is desired, this can be accommodated and rewarded. It is an untenured post-doctoral position with duration of two years. Tentative beginning of appointment September 2008. An extension of the term is not excluded.

Salary (before taxes and pension contributions): Approx. 45.000 Euro (approx. 70,000 USD) for the entire duration of the program. The salary is exempt to taxation.

Further information on the profile of the position may be obtained from Prof. Dr. Monica Billio at

Applications including the application form (see below), curriculum vitae, scientific publications, 2 referees names and addresses being able to provide reference letters, in English or in Italian, and a copy of a valid Identity Document or Passport have to be sent to:

Head of the Department of Economics
University of Ca’ Foscari of Venice
Cannareggio 873
30121 VENEZIA - Italy

Applications have to be received by 21 June 2008.

PhD Scholarships in Vascular Surgery Research, University of Bologna

Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna, S. Orsola Hospital, Bologna - Italy

Two open PhD positions (postgraduate scholarship) at the Department of and Specialistic Surgical Sciences and Anaestesiology:

Project - Research Methodologies in Vascular Surgery

We seek two motivated PhD candidates to be involved in a project which focuses on Human vascular wall mesenchymal stem cells and endothelial progenitors and diabetes.

We welcome any applicant with the following skills:

  • background in laboratory techniques (cell culture, basic microscopic techniques including light and immunofluorescence, nucleic acid and protein isolation, western blot, PCR, functional molecular analysis through RNA interference)
  • experience with software for editing biomedical images such as Image
  • basic knowledge in statistical analysis

Salary: about EUR 30.000 per year (Tax Included).

Application deadline: September 2008

Candidates should send their detailed curricula by email to: Gianandrea Pasquinelli ( and Andrea Stella (