
Friday, January 2, 2009

UK : Research Studentships at Harper Adams University College

Research Studentships in The Use of Composts and Other Recycled Materials in Green Roof Growing Media, Harper Adams University College, UK

The use of green roofs has the potential to reduce both the risk of flooding through run-off attenuation and reduce energy costs of heating and air-conditioning owing to their insulating properties. These features along with additional biodiversity and social benefits have led to a growing awareness of the benefits of green roofs. Green roof growing media need to have specific properties to help plants cope with environmental extremes encountered on roofs. Media are based on a mixture of mineral and organic substrates not all of which are recycled.

A fully recycled medium would be desirable. A three year PhD studentship involving elements of both soil science and plant physiology is available to investigate the properties of recycled green waste in mixture with mineral media as a substrate for green roofs. Further details of the project and facilities are available here.

Successful applicants will normally be expected to hold either a First or Upper Second Class Honours degree in a physical science e.g. Soil Science, Applied Biology, Horticulture/Agriculture or a related subject.

The research student will be expected to acquire generic research skills (e.g. communication, data analysis) by registering for the Harper Adams Postgraduate Certificate in Research Skills (tuition fee included in the studentship).

The studentship is available 1st February 2009 and includes tuition fees, consumables and conference allowance and a maintenance grant of £12,500 in Year 1 rising to £13,000 in Year 2 and then £13,500 in Year 3 dependent on satisfactory progress.

For informal enquiries applicants may contact Dr Martin Hare (

Applicants should send their Curriculum Vitae with the names and contact details of two referees, together with a covering letter, to Mrs V Slann, Postgraduate Research Administrator, Harper Adams University College, Newport, Shropshire, TF10 8NB (

The closing date for receipt of applications is Wednesday 7th January 2009.

It is intended to hold interviews either in person (UK resident applicants) or by video conferencing (overseas applicants) on Wednesday 21st January 2009.

UK : PhD Studentship in Scalable Pico-Hydro Power

PhD Studentship in Scalable Pico-Hydro Power, University of Bristol, UK

Electrical Energy Management Group, Electrical and Electronic Engineering

A fully-funded 3½ year PhD studentship is available in the Electrical Energy Management Group at the University of Bristol for research involving modular and scalable pico-hydro generation (1kW) for grid-tied DC mini-grids. This project provides a unique opportunity to combine state-of-the-art electrical engineering research, development work in remote areas overseas with a well-known charity, and sponsorship by a company that is world leading in design and manufacturing. The work will include power electronics, mechanical design, and a mix of other theoretical and practical work. The PhD candidate will be expected to have an electrical engineering background, and demonstrate a strong interest in mechanical design and development work.

Salary: Up to £18,000pa tax free.

The fully funded PhD studentship is available to any nationality, however if you are not a UK Home student (or EU student who has spent the past three years in the UK), the salary would need to be reduced to cover overseas university fees. When you apply, please indicate whether you are eligible for UK Home funding, or if you have other sources of funds.

The studentship is available now and the closing date for applications is 31 January 2009.

Please either email a cover letter stating your interests and a full CV (including grades) to Dr Bernard Stark ( or email to arrange an informal discussion.

Germany : PhD Scholarships in Culture Studies

PhD Scholarships in Culture Studies, Giessen University, Germany

Giessen University’s International Graduate Centre for the Study of Culture (GCSC), funded by the German federal government’s Excellence Initiative, offers a three-year structured PhD-programme in the study of culture. With its excellent research environment, a doctoral programme which is tailored to the needs of PhD students and the intensive personal support it provides, the Graduate Centre offers postgraduate students optimum conditions for their PhD-projects and a custom-made preparation for the time thereafter, both with regard to academic and non-academic careers.
From 01st October 2009, the GCSC offers up to 9 PhD scholarships.

PhD scholarships include a monthly stipend of approximately €1000 and are offered for one year with the possibility of two extensions, each of a year. Scholarships commence on October 1st, 2009.

Acceptance of a scholarship requires participation in the study programme and the wide-ranging events offered by the GCSC, as well as active involvement in at least one GCSC graduate research group. Scholarship holders must register as PhD students at Justus Liebig University. There are no tuition fees for doctoral students at JLU, except for an enrolment fee of approximately €200 per semester. Scholarship holders are expected to take up residency in or near Giessen.

The GCSC encourages applications from graduate students who have or expect to obtain a first or upper second class honours M.A.-degree (or equivalent) in one of the GCSC’s academic subjects* or in the arts/humanities, cultural studies, or social sciences. Fluency in either English or German is required.

The main selection criteria are the candidates’ academic qualification, the academic quality of the research proposal and the suitability of the project for the GCSC’s research programme. Short-listed candidates will be invited to a 30-minute interview; telephone interviews can be arranged for candidates from overseas.

All applications (including an application form and further documents as stated on the GCSC website) have to be submitted online. Please find further information on the two-stage application procedure on our website at

If you have any questions concerning your application, please contact us at gcsc-application[ at ]

On 2nd February 2009, the GCSC will host an Information Day at the Graduate Centre for the Study of Culture (GCSC), Justus-Liebig-University Gießen, Alter Steinbacher Weg 38, 35394 Gießen. The Information Day gives potential applicants the opportunity to meet the staff and students involved in the doctoral programme. You will also have the chance to obtain more information on the research areas and academic objectives of the GCSC, the wide range of interdisciplinary courses, colloquia, and conferences, the research support on offer, our international networks and partner institutions, as well as on publishing and funding opportunities available to GCSC-members.

The closing date for applications is 1st March, 2009. or