
Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Sweden : PhD Fellowships in Health and Medical Sciences

PhD Fellowships in Health and Medical Sciences, Örebro University, Sweden

Two years doctoral studies Fellowship
Skeletal muscle, aging and exercise
School of Health and Medical Sciences, Örebro University, Sweden

The ”licentiat” is a Swedish degree delivered after two years of doctoral studies. To be eligible the candidate should have completed a master degree. A minimum of two scientific original publications is required for the validation of the ”Licentiat”. The ”licentiat” includes a taught module corresponding to a minimum of 18 ECTS credits and a research project.

The research project will focus on skeletal muscle and the effects of aging and exercise in healthy humans and patients.

To follow the program, the candidate must have good command of English and be able to apply this in an academic environment.

The candidate will be funded for the period of two years.

DEADLINE for applications is: 01 april, 2009

The application should be written in English and include:

  • Motivation letter
  • CV (max 2 pages)
  • List of communications (article, poster …)
  • Master thesis
  • Copies of diploma

For further details please contact: Fawzi Kadi ( or Elodie Ponsot (

Webpage: Follow this link.

Applications, marked with reg. no CFP 20/2009 must have arrived no later than 2009-04-01. Please enclose all documents supporting your application as instructed on the application form.

Send the application to Örebro University, Registrator, SE-701 82 Örebro, Sweden.

New Zealand : Doctoral Scholarships in The Discourse of Negotiation

Doctoral Scholarships in The Discourse of Negotiation in Professional Workplace Contexts, Victoria University, New Zealand

Doctoral Scholarship at Victoria University: The Discourse of Negotiation in Professional Workplace Contexts

The role of effective workplace communication skills for achieving transactional objectives can be considered fundamental to workplace success for most organisations.

While important in all aspects of workplace interaction, these skills are crucial in the negotiation of complex and potentially conflictual agreements which potentially carry far-reaching consequences (Norisada 2007, Prego-Vazquez 2007, Pavlenko and Blackledge 2004, Locher 2004).

The negotiation process is a communicative endeavour with discourse as the tool by which participants achieve (or fail to achieve) their intended outcomes. A detailed analysis of discourse in social interaction can thus throw valuable light on the range of strategies which may contribute to resolving disputes and disagreements in problematic and challenging negotiations.

The research objective is to identify the discursive characteristics of effective negotiators and negotiations in potentially conflictual situations in professional workplaces. The specific workplace(s) to be the focus of the research, including industry/sector, will be negotiated with potential applicants.

The deadline for applications is 15 May, 2009.

Application forms are available from:

Further information is available from the contacts below.

Application contact:

Philippa Hay
Scholarships Manager
Victoria University of Wellington
PO Box 600 Wellington
New Zealand

Telephone: +64 4 463 7493

Research contact details:

Professor Janet Holmes
School of Linguistics and Applied
Language Studies
Victoria University of Wellington
PO Box 600 Wellington
New Zealand

Telephone: +64 4 463 5614

Vice Chan cellor’s Strategic Research Doctoral Scholarship
School of Linguistics and Applied Lan guage Studies

Spain : Scholarships for PhD in Economics

Scholarships for PhD in Economics, University of Alicante, Spain

University of Alicante, Spain (Spain)
The Department of Economics at the University of Alicante (FAE), Spain, is offering Teaching and Research Assistantship to students enrolling in the Graduate Program.

The Graduate Program is a full-time program leading to a doctoral degree (Ph.D.). The program is taught entirely in English and it provides students with a thorough theoretical and practical training to do
independent high-level economic research. The program prepares students for professional careers in universities, public and private research organizations, international institutions, consultancy and business.

Students with strong quantitative skills and good academic qualifications are encouraged to apply.

Students are supported by an international faculty that is recruited from top American and European universities, such as MIT and LSE. The faculty has a high academic reputation publishing in top journals, such as the American Economic Review, the Journal of Political Economy and Econometrica.

Students receive an annual stipend ranging from 13,000 to 17,000 Euros and get financing to attend international conferences and to visit prestigious American and European universities, such as NYU and UC London. Scholarships also cover tuition fees. The teaching load is up to 60 hour per year.

Further information on the program and how to apply can be found in our website:

The deadline for applications is April 1st, 2009, but early applications are strongly encouraged.

Germany: PhD Scholarships in Economics

PhD Scholarships in Economics, German Institute for Economic Research, Germany

PhD in Development Economics (Terrorism, Insecurity, Conflict, and Poverty)

Graduate Center of DIW Berlin (German Institute for Economic Research) (Germany)
The Graduate Center of DIW Berlin is accepting applications for its PhD program in applied economics with focus areas that include terrorism, insecurity, conflict, and poverty. A degree can be awarded in
collaboration with the Humboldt University in Berlin. There are no tuition fees, and successful applicants will be awarded with a scholarship for living costs in the first year. In the second and third years, students have the opportunity to join the research staff at DIW Berlin and apply their knowledge and skills to international projects in various areas of development economics.

The deadline for applications is April 15, 2009.

For more information, please refer to the following link: