
Saturday, March 1, 2008

Italy: PhD in International Studies, University of Trento

The University of Trento, is now inviting applications for its three-year doctoral programme in International Studies. The programme focuses on the study of International Law, International Economics and International Politics. It will be composed of at least 200 hours of structured coursework; a period of study outside Italy, and a dissertation, written under the supervision of faculty members and an external reader. All coursework will be in English and will be taught by members of the university’s multi-national faculty. Starting with the academic year 2008-2009 significant changes will be introduced to the programme of studies. Students interested in applying to the programme are advised to carefully read the annoucement of selection.

An application package plus the full text of the announcement can be downloaded from the download box on the right-hand side of the page.


Please note that applications must arrive at the University by the deadline. Applications received after the deadline will be disregarded.

Admission Requirements
Applications will be accepted from candidates, regardless of gender, age and nationality, who have graduated with excellent marks from a masters course, a four year Italian laurea, or an equivalent programme in one of the disciplines comprising international studies (economics,history, law, political science, political philosophy, sociology). Candidates from other disciplinary backgrounds may also apply, provided that their research project clearly falls within the field of international studies.

Students who intend to carry out research in the following areas are particulalrly encouraged to apply: European and International Politics; European, Comparative and International Law; Open Economy Macroeconomics, International Trade and International Financial History. One scholarship will be reserved for applicants with a research project in the area of trans-national crime. An additional scholarship is reserved for candidates with a research project in the area of politics of European and regional integration.

Language Requirements
The programme is conducted entirely in English and an excellent working knowledge of that language, including a proven writing ability, is an indispensable requirement for admission. Foreign students are required to obtain a working knowledge of the Italian language.

Applications must include :

  • a photocopy of the applicant’s identity card or passport;
  • a curriculum vitae in English;
  • a research proposal (max 5 pages/2500 words) in English, in one of the areas studied in the International Studies programme. Candidates who also wish to be considered for one of the scholarships reserved for the fields of “Trans-National Crime” or “ Politics of European and Regional Integration”, must clearly indicate the field on the first page of their project;
  • Applicants who hold a foreign degree should attach their degree certificate(s) and grade transcript(s) both in the original language and in English,
  • two letters of recommendation in English or Italian (Appendix A and B) from experts in the doctoral research areas. The letters must be received in sealed envelopes and must be sent directly by the referees to the following address: Prof. Luigi Bonatti, School of International Studies, University of Trento, Via Verdi 8/10 – I-38100 Trento, Italy;
  • certificate(s) attesting the knowledge of the English language (e.g. TOEFL, Certificate of Proficiency in English, or others), if English is not the mother tongue of the applicant;

Applications may include:

  • A list of publications
  • copies of (selected) publications;
  • any other qualifications such as international examinations (GRE or equivalent);
  • any other documents that attest to the research skills and abilities of the candidate.

Selection Procedure
The admissions process consists of two separate stages. In the first stage, the admission committee produces a short-list of candidates based on the evaluation of the application materials. In the second stage, thirty-minute interviews will be conducted with the short-listed candidates. Candidates who do not reside in Italy may avail themselves of the possibility to conduct the interview by telephone. After the conclusion of the interviews the admission committee will publish the final ranking. The interview stage will normally take place in early May and successful candidates will be notified in short order.

The programme offers a limited number of full scholarships renewable for three years subject to satisfactory academic appraisal. Scholarships are awarded on the basis of merit, meaning that they will be offered to the top candidates of the final ranking. One scholarship will be reserved for applicants with a research project in the area of Trans-national Crime. An additional scholarship is reserved for candidates with a research project in the area of the Politics of European and Regional Integration.

Tuition Fees
The PhD programme currently does not charge tuition fees. Admitted students however are required to pay an annual student tax to the amount of roughly €120,00.

Residence Requirement
Studying for a PhD programme is a full-time commitment and we expect all our students to take up residence in the area. Students re required to be resident in Trento for 24 months during the 3-year programme. A limited number of subsidised apartments will be made available to foreign students. An orientation day will be held in September 2008 and coursework will start towards the end of that month.

Deadline: March 17, 2008

Via: official announcement

Italy: 2008 MSc Scholarships in Various Fields, Politecnico di Milano

Scholarships for Master of Science Programmes available for the year 2008/2009

Thanks to the cooperation with public and private partners, for the incoming year 2008/09 all the international students applying to one of our Master of Science courses taught in English, will be considered for merit based scholarships.

  • CCIAA Camera di Commercio di Milano
  • Fondazione Cariplo
  • ICE
  • Unioncamere

Programmes held in Como and Lecco campuses, entirely taught in English:

  • Building Engineering
  • Computer Engineering
  • Civil Engineering
  • Environmental Engineering
  • Management Economics and Industrial Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering

Scholarship for Management Economics and Industrial Engineering programme - One scholarship of 10,000€ offered by the Banca di Credito Cooperativo dell’Alta Brianza will be assigned to one foreign student from Ecuador that has been admitted for the academic year 2008/09 to the Master of Science programme in Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering offered in the Como campus.

Please visit, for detailed information on the scholarship

Programmes held in Milano campus, entirely taught in English:

  • Architecture
  • Urban Planning Policy Design
  • Product Service system Design
  • Computing System Engineering
  • Material Engineering

All international students who fill-in the on-line application form and deliver the required documentation to the International Admission Office both during the first call (from October 15th 2007 to January 31st 2008 ) or second call (from February 1st to April 15th 2008), will automatically be considered for purely merit-based scholarship that covers both tuition fee and accommodation. Students obtaining a scholarship will have to pay only a nominal tuition fee of €144.

Via: official announcement

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Sweden: PhD Student Positions at the School of Electrical Engineering, Royal Institute of Technology

The Communication Theory Lab is conducting research and education in the general area of digital communications and in wireless communications in particular. We work both with basic research and with more applied problems, often in collaboration with industry. More information about us is available on the Internet:

In particular the following research areas are relevant to the position:

  • Cognitive radio, spectrum sensing and dynamic radio resource allocation
  • Cooperative coding and transmission techniques in wireless sensor networks
  • Wireless communications in automatic control
  • Information theory for wireless communications

Required Qualifications
The candidate should hold the degree of Master of Science in Electrical Engineering , Computer Engineering or Engineering Physics, or an equivalent degree.

KTH aims to employ a diversity of talent and thus welcomes applicants who will add to the variety of the University, especially as concerns its gender structure.

The position is intended for pursuing individual doctoral studies. The position will include 80% research and 20% teaching assistance. The salary is based on the existing employment agreement for PhD position.

The application should be sent in hardcopy to:

Royal Institute of Technology
KTH School of Electrical Engineering
Osquldas väg 10
SE-100 44 Stockholm

The application should contain as a minimum a CV and university transcripts/diplomas. If available, the following documents should also be enclosed: recommendation letters, certificates of TOEFL and/or GRE scores

Deadline: March 1, 2008

Position reference number E-2008-0039

Professor Mikael Skoglund
Tel 08 790 8430

Sweden: PhD Position at the Department of Computer Science, Karlstad University

A Ph.D. position is available within the IT Security Group at the Department of Computer Science at Karlstad University. The IT Security Group is focusing on privacy-enhancing technologies, network and operating system security.

Qualifications: Qualified for this position are candidates with a University degree of 240 ECTS, from which at least 60 ECTS were awarded for courses at advanced level and have a Master’s degree or the Swedish Magister or Civilingenjör Degrees in Computer Science or Computer Engineering, or equivalent. Qualified are also those candidates who have achieved corresponding degrees and/or knowledge in Sweden or abroad.

Knowledge or experience in some of the areas of IT security, wireless communication security or privacy enhancing technologies is desirable.

Admission: On the basis of individual assessment of the candidates’ abilities to successfully pass the research education. The earliest date for filling the position is the 1st April 2008. The position is limited to 4 years, but can be prolonged for up to one more year, if the PhD student also takes on other research,teaching or administrative tasks besides his PhD research. Those tasks should not exceed 20% of the time of a full-time position.

Application: Your application should contain a cover letter, CV, copies of your degrees, a list of attended courses with grades and dates, if applicable copies of publications or proofs of other achievements, and reference letters or contact addresses of reference persons.

More information:
Professor Simone Fischer Hübner

Union represeantative for SACO Thomas Wennstam and for OFR Barbro Berglund.
All persons are available at +46 54-700 10 00.

Application with Reference FAK 1 2007/223 should be sent to:
Karlstads universitet
Fakulteten för ekonomi, kommunikation och IT
S- 651 88 KARLSTAD

at the latest 2008-03-03.

UK: Economic Social Research Council Studentships

Economic Social Research council studentships (MSc+PhD or PhD only - UK and EU nationals)

The SGPE has been awarded “Advanced Course Research Training” status by the ESRC. This is explicit recognition by the ESRC that the MSc Programme offers excellent and full research training. The SGPE has a number of ESRC “1+3″ (1 year MSc followed by a 3 year PhD) and “+3″ (3 year PhD) quota awards which are allocated to applicants by the Programme in April of each year. Students who fail to obtain a quota award from the SGPE will be told early enough to enable them to enter the Open Competition section of the ESRC - each of the eight SGPE University Economics Departments may submit one applicant to the Open Competition but for obvious reasons successful Quota applicants must not be submitted. The ESRC Scholarships cover course fees (UK and EU students) and reasonable living costs (UK students or EU students with three years UK residency only). They are intended solely for students either starting a PhD or intending to start a PhD following their MSc. Students wishing to apply for an SGPE “1+3″ or a “+3″ quota award must submit a written and credible research proposal for their PhD.

Applicants should:

  • Email Mark Schaffer at no later than 17th March 2008 to register their interest.
  • Identify a research topic and specific supervisor within the SGPE before applying for the scholarship.
  • After liaising with the proposed supervisor the applicant should write a PhD research proposal no more than 1000 words in length.
  • The prospective supervisor should augment the student’s own research plan with his/her own case in favour of the student receiving the award.
  • The proposal plus letter of support from the supervisor plus relevant transcripts indicating educational achievement in economics plus one further reference should be submitted to Andy Snell by email ( before the 31st March 2008.

Deadline: 31st March 2008

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Portugal: Postdoc Fellowship on Motion Analysis in Biomedical Engineering, University of Porto

Post-doc Fellowship on Motion Analysis in Biomedical Engineering
(open until 15 th March, 2008)
Ref.: INEB/Unidade 174/DSI_01/2008

We are looking for a post-doctoral computer vision researcher, particularly in the area of Motion Analysis in Biomedical Engineering.

The project’s goal is the development of Image Processing and Computer Vision tools for analysis and tracking of human motion. The work will be developed in the Biomedical Imaging and Computer Vision group of the Biomedical Signal and Image division of INEB.

The work program of the successful candidate will include:

  • Software development for image sequence acquisition and storage in a portable system.
  • Create an environment for human motion analysis, including
    • 3D motion analysis and 3D tracking
    • Models for human pose and motion
    • Activity monitoring


  • PhD degree on Electrical and Computer Engineering, Informatics, Computer Science or similar fields.
  • Advanced experience in development image processing software, particularly in motion analysis.
  • Good record of publications in international journals.
  • Very good knowledge of English is essential.

The applications can be sent by email to or to:

INEB – Instituto de Engenharia Biomédica
Ref.: INEB/Unidade 174/DSI_01/2008
Rua do Campo Alegre, 823
4150-180 Porto - Portugal

If you require further information, please contact Prof. Aurélio Campilho (, or

Applications: from 1st February 2008 to the 15th March 2008.

Funded by FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

Monday, February 25, 2008

UK: PhD Studentships in Health Sciences, Queen Margaret University

Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh
PhD Studentships
School of Health Sciences

Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh is a research led institution specialising in high quality research that touches people’s everyday lives.

Our postgraduate research students are a crucial part of the research community. Each student works with a dedicated team of academic supervisors and receives training in key areas of research. Research students who receive bursaries are expected to participate in the learning and teaching of undergraduate students.

The School of Health Sciences is at the forefront of research into Nursing and the Allied Health Professions within Scotland. The Centre for Integrated Healthcare Research (based within the School) leads multi-disciplinary research in collaboration with other universities and NHS Trusts in SE Scotland. The Institute for International Health and Development has key expertise in social and organisational development in low and middle income countries. The Royal Bank of Scotland Centre for the Older Person’s Agenda focuses on quality of life for older people.

QMU is making funds available for up to 7 PhD studentships in our niche research areas. Successful applicants will have all fees waived for three years and will receive support with living costs. Within the School of Health Sciences studentships are available in:

  • Centre for the Older Person’s Agenda
  • Dietetics, Nutrition and Biological Sciences
  • International Health and Development
  • Nursing
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Physiotherapy
  • Podiatry

Topics include:

  • Management of chronic conditions
  • Health behaviours
  • Participative research with older people
  • Decentralisation and social exclusion in low income countries
  • Refugee studies
  • Laboratory and clinical projects

Visit the website for details of 16 projects:

or email:

The closing date for applications is 26 March 2008.

UK: PhD Studentships in Economics, University of Edinburgh

The Edinburgh School of Economics in conjunction with the Scottish Graduate Programme in Economics provides a three year Ph.D. programme. For high quality candidates there are available:

Research and Teaching Scholarships, ESRC Quota Awards

The University of Edinburgh is a world-class university located in one of the most beautiful cities in Europe. Economics at Edinburgh is a lively international department with outstanding strength in economic theory.

Applications for research and teaching scholarships are welcome from graduates of any nationality who hold a Master’s degree in economics, passed with merit or preferably with distinction. ESRC quota awards (as part of the Scottish Graduate Programme in Economics consortium) are also available, but are subject to nationality and residency restrictions. Applicants need to prove a strong quantitative background as well as the interest and ability to conduct independent research. The scholarships pay both fees and maintenance.

For further details on our Ph.D. program, its participating faculty and the application procedure, please consult our website:

Application deadline is 31 May 2008.

For further information, contact:

Prof Ed Hopkins
Director of the Economics Ph.D. programme

UK: PhD / MSc Studentships in Science and Technology Studies, University of Edinburgh

ESRC 1+3 and +3 studentships in Science and Technology Studies
PhD/MSc (Research) Science and Technology Studies

The Science and Technology Studies Doctoral Programme at Edinburgh is a designated ESRC outlet for 1+3 and +3 PhD studentships, available for UK or EU students. UK student awards cover fees and maintenance; EU students normally receive fees only; part-time students receive the fees plus pro rata maintenance. 1+3 awards combine 1 year of MSc research training with 3 years’ PhD funding. +3 awards are for applicants who have already completed a year of ESRC-recognised research training. ESRC national competition awards, Genomics Network awards, and various other funding opportunities are also available for the Programme.

The deadline for applications for the studentships is 21 March 2008, and candidates must have contacted the postgraduate adviser and submitted an application for the programme by that time.

Recipients will be selected on the basis of their academic performance, their references, and their research proposal.

Applicants proposing research on innovation, social and policy issues in the life sciences and biotechnology may also apply for an ESRC Innogen Centre studentship. The terms are identical to these ESRC awards.

For further information on the studentships and the applications procedure, and suggestions for research topics, see, or contact Dr Wendy Faulkner, Science Studies Unit,

Deadline: 21 March 2008

UK: MSc Scholarships in Mathematical Finance, University of Birmingham

Fisher Scholarships: MSc in Mathematical Finance

Department of Economics and School of Mathematics

The University of Birmingham’s MSc in Mathematical Finance teaches technically trained graduates - including in Mathematics, Science and Engineering - to apply their quantitative skills to financial analysis. Successful completion of the MSc will qualify students to work in quantitative analysis in City of London

Recent advances in theoretical finance and computing power have moved quantitative analysis from the margins of the financial world to its core. Rigorous quantitative analysis is now involved in everything from the design and pricing of individual assets to the optimisation of whole portfolios. Birmingham’s MSc in Mathematical Finance gives highly motivated, high performing students an opportunity to work in this area. It is taught by two top ranked institutions - its School of Mathematics and its Department of Economics. Students take core courses in financial econometrics, mathematical finance and computational methods. Optional modules allow them to hone further their technical skills (e.g. further mathematical finance) or to broaden their economic understanding
(e.g. macroeconomics).

The MSc accepts students on the basis of quality rather than quantity. In 2007-08, only one in six applicants were offered places. Thanks to a generous private gift from Andrew Fisher (Birmingham economics 1982; CEO Towry Law), six Fisher Scholarships covering full tuition fees are available. Applicants with first class degrees are automatically considered for Fisher Scholarships as well as internal scholarships offered by the Economics Department, covering from a quarter to full tuition fees. In both cases, scholarships are awarded to the most able applicants, regardless of nationality. Home, EU and overseas students all pay the same fees. This fee structure ensures that the most qualified applicants are accepted, regardless of nationality.

Prospective students are encouraged to apply online via the MSc’s website. Those outside the OECD are encouraged to post any additional material that would help us evaluate their application, including results of standardised assessments such as the GRE and CVs. Non-native speakers of English must attain an IELTS score of 6.5, with no less than 6 in any band. financial institutions, such as banks and hedge funds, or for postgraduate research in mathematical finance.

More information on funding opportunities is provided by the Student Funding Office. The International Office maintains a list
of scholarships to which international students may apply.

Applications are accepted on a continuous basis for study to begin in late September.

Learn more
Emma Steadman, Department of Economics
University of Birmingham, Edgbaston B15 2TT
Tel: 0121 414 6650 E-mail: e.p.steadman[ at ]

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UK: PhD Studentships in Social Science, Queen Margaret University

Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh
PhD Studentships
School of Social Sciences, Media and Communication

Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh is a research led institution specialising in high quality research that touches people’s everyday

Our postgraduate research students are a crucial part of the research community. Each student works with a dedicated team of academic supervisors and receives training in key areas of research. Research students who receive bursaries are expected to participate in the learning and teaching of undergraduate students.

The School of Social Sciences, Media and Communication is proud of its dynamic research culture. QMU was awarded the Queen’s Anniversary Prize in 2002 for the clinical application of speech sciences, and the Speech Science Research Centre continues to be at the forefront of research into speech and communication. The School is also home to the Centre for Health Psychology, as well as fostering a wide range of research into culture, media, public relations and sociology.

QMU is making funds available for up to 7 PhD studentships in our distinctive research areas. Successful applicants will have all fees
waived for three years and will receive support with living costs. Within the School of Social Sciences, Media and Communication
studentships are available in:

  • Media history
  • Culture and politics
  • Social policy and justice
  • Critical perspectives in public relations
  • Intuitive versus rational thinking
  • Health psychology in relation to vulnerable / older patients
  • Development of externalising behaviours in children
  • Influencing life style changes in obese patients with diabetes
  • Physical barriers to communication in the elderly
  • Methods of eliciting speech and language data in children Dyslexia
  • Maturational time course of the speech evoked auditory brainstem response

For more information see our website:
or email:

UK: PhD / MSc Studentships in Life Sciences, Biotechnology and Related Areas, University of Edinburgh

UK: PhD / MSc Studentships in Life Sciences, Biotechnology and Related Areas, University of Edinburgh

ESRC Innogen Centre 1+3 and +3 studentship

The ESRC Centre for Social and Economic Research on Innovation in Genomics, based at the University of Edinburgh and at the Open University, invites applications from candidates wishing to pursue doctoral research on topics in the life sciences, biotechnology and related areas. Innogen is a designated outlet for ESRC 1+3 and +3 PhD studentships, available for UK or EU students. UK student awards cover fees and maintenance; EU students normally receive fees only; part-time students receive the fees plus pro rata maintenance. 1+3 awards combine 1 year of MSc research training with 3 years’ PhD funding. +3 awards are for applicants who have already completed a year of ESRC-recognised research training. ESRC national competition awards, ESRC quota awards in STS, and various other funding opportunities are also available for the Programme.

The deadline for applications for a studentship to be held at Edinburgh is 21 March 2008, and candidates must have contacted the Innogen Deputy Director and submitted an application for the programme by that time.

For further information on the studentships and the applications procedure, and suggestions for research topics in the area of the life sciences and biotechnology, see, or contact Dr Catherine Lyall, Deputy Director and Innogen Centre Manager,

Deadline: 21 March 2008