
Saturday, December 27, 2008

Italy : PhD Scholarships in Economics and Finance

PhD Scholarships in Economics and Finance, University of Verona, Italy

Call for Admissions: PhD Program in Economics and Finance, Università di Verona (Italy)

The Department of Economics at the University of Verona (Italy) is pleased to announce the availability of at least three PhD Research Scholarships for 3 years starting in January 2009.

The Doctoral Program in Economics and Finance is designed to train doctoral candidates in a broad program of advanced study for careers in teaching and research in universities, in public and private research organizations, in financial and consulting institutions and private companies. The department recruits promising students from Italy and abroad and courses are taught in English. Students are accepted directly for Ph.D. degree. As prerequisite, students must hold a bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution in Italy or the equivalent level of education from an institution outside Italy.

The internationalization program, financed by the Italian Ministry of University and Research and the University of Verona, has lead in the recent years to exchange agreements with the universities of Essex,
York, Wisconsin, Cergy-Pontoise, Cyprus, Oviedo, Campinas and Colombia.

The official calls for admissions can be found on this website

The first Call is for two scholarships. One is a general university scholarship. Another scholarship is linked the realization of an internationally co-tutored project in collaboration with the University of Cergy-Pontoise or Paris X and involves a compulsory period of study and research (up to 18 months) at one of these institutions. The amount granted for these scholarships is € 13,638 per year and this is exempt from personal income tax. They will be granted for the entire duration of the PhD course and will be increased by 50% during authorized study periods abroad.

The second Call is for a scholarship (co-funded by Regione Veneto – FSE) reserved for the realization of the a research project on “The Economic Analysis of Juvenile Crime and Policy Implications”. In this case the scholarship amounts to € 19,000 gross per year.

Candidates may apply for all of these scholarships. Applications must be sent on the forms provided and in the way indicated on the official call by January 9, 2009. Candidates are also encouraged to send all this documentation by email to by the same date. However, please note that applications must also be sent by post as indicated in the call. Interviews will take place on January 21, 2009 (in person or in video-conference).

For further information on our PhD programme please visit the following web-site:

Canada : PhD Position in Database Integration

PhD Position in Database Integration, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada

The Faculty of Business Administration at Memorial University of Newfoundland is inviting applications for a PhD in Information Systems with an emphasis on database integration. The project is supported by a grant from the National Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC).

Project Description:
Database integration is a process with multiple steps, leading from the identification of the databases to the testing of the integrated system.?The central step of this process is the identification of database?elements that are similar to each other. This step is called schema matching. Human users perceive schema-matching methods as successful when they match database elements according to the same similarity criteria that the users would apply. Many automatic software-supported schema-matching methods have been proposed, using a range of different notions of similarity. However, existing research has paid little attention to empirical work: There is little knowledge of how human data integrators judge the similarity of database elements. A recent study has shown that a “one-size-fits-all” approach does not apply and that human notions of similarity are strongly affected by the database integration context. The proposed research is a study to systematically examine how human database integrators carry out schema matching. This knowledge will then be applied to implement improved schema matching methods.

Application Criteria:
The applicant will have a Bachelor (Hon) or Master’s degree and strong interest and background in information systems, computer science, or cognitive science with knowledge of databases or knowledge
representation. Interest (and preferably experience) in both technical and empirical research is required.
Applications must meet the regular admission criteria and will undergo the regular admissions process for the PhD program.

The Faculty of Business Administration will provide support to all admitted students for a period of four years. The level of support will be competitive with that offered by other Canadian universities, and may
consist of a combination of grant, research assistantship, and teaching assistantship.

Information and Application:
The deadline for applications is March 1, 2009.

Late applications may be considered as time and resources permit. Please contact Dr. Joerg Evermann at for further information about the project.

Information about the PhD program and the application procedure can be found here.

USA : Studies in Information Systems

MS / PhD Studies in at UC Irvine, USA

The faculty of the Information Systems Group (ISG) at UC Irvine is looking for a handful of excellent prospective students who are seeking an exciting, active place to study and do research on databases and information systems starting in the Fall of 2009. Several large projects are underway and several new ones are just beginning and will provide excellent opportunities for incoming students to “get in on the ground floor” of interesting new research initiatives.

ISG is a part of the CS Department within the Bren School of Information and Computer Science at UC Irvine, an environment that offers a number of unique advantages and opportunities. Being one of just a handful of such schools across the country, ICS offers a broad, stimulating intellectual environment for graduate studies. ICS is comprised of three departments -Computer Science, Informatics, and Statistics- covering all traditional computer science areas as well as related areas such as software engineering, human-computer interaction and usability, collaboration technologies, and statistical machine learning and data mining and analysis.

UC Irvine itself, in the words of our current chancellor, “combines the strengths of a major research university with the bounty of an incomparable Southern California location.” Thus, in addition to a stimulating research and educational environment, graduate study in ISG at UC Irvine offers attractive off-hours opportunities. Our location in Orange County ( offers easy access to a wide variety of outdoor and indoor entertainment and sporting activities.

More information about graduate study in CS at UC Irvine can be found on the UCI CS graduate studies page (

The application period is open now and applications will be accepted through January 15, 2009. More specifics about ISG, its faculty, and its projects can be found on our new ISG web site (

Closing date: January 15, 2009

(TIGP)Taiwan International Graduate Program

The Taiwan International Graduate Program (TIGP) Scholarships, Taiwan

The Taiwan International Graduate Program is a Ph.D. program, started in 2002, by Academia Sinica, the foremost research institution of Taiwan. In cooperation with top universities in Taiwan, Academia Sinica offers advanced, inter-disciplinary Ph.D. Programs, in nine fields that span the natural and physical sciences, as well as computational linguistics. TIGP students will learn in all-English teaching and research environments, and enjoy access to world-class faculty and state-of-the-art research facilities at Academia Sinica and partner universities. All applicants who are admitted to TIGP will receive a fellowship from Academia Sinica. Stipend levels are about USD 11,000 per year, and will be awarded for the first three years.

TIGP Application Announcement for 2009
TIGP is now accepting applications for admission to the 2009 fall semester, and applications are due before 31 March, 2009. TIGP offers the following nine Ph.D. programs:

1. Chemical Biology and Molecular Biophysics
2. Molecular Science and Technology
3. Molecular and Biological Agricultural Sciences
4. Molecular and Cell Biology
5. Bioinformatics
6. Nano Science and Technology
7. Molecular Medicine
8. Computational Linguistics and Chinese Language Processing
9. Earth System Science

No application fee is required. Please send the completed application to:

Admissions Office
Taiwan International Graduate Program
No. 75, Lane 12, Section 2, Academia Road , Nankang District,
Taipei City11529 , Taiwan, R. O. C.

TIGP now also offers the option to apply online for admission to the program. If you wish to learn more about our online application system, please via the website at:

For more information, please contact Nancy Yang, Alice Lee at +886-2-27898050, +886-2-2789-9696.,

Closing date: 31 March, 2009

TIGP website:

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Germany: Master Program in International Political Economy

MA program in International Political Economy

Region and Country: Bremen, Germany

Language of instruction: English

Program description: The MA in International Political Economy offers a specialization in the rich interactions between economic systems and political institutions. It is based on the belief that an examination of these interactions provides students with a better understanding of pressing social challenges and public policy choices.
While the focus of the program is on current political economy issues, it also provides students with insight into the historical dimension of the globalization process. In cooperation with the Bremer Energie Institut, the program gives students the opportunity to become acquainted with the international political economy of natural resources and energy supply.

Tuition and scholarships: Graduate program tuition at Jacobs University costs €20,000/year. Stipends and tuition waivers, however, are available to students who qualify.

Link to the program website:

NTNU: invites applicants for 8 PhD research fellowships.

The Faculty of Information Technology, Mathematics, and Electrical Engineering (IME) at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) invites applicants for 8 PhD research fellowships.

The 8 research fellowships are awarded on a competitive basis, to helprecruit talented candidates for the PhD study programs administered by IME.

The Faculty is keen to attract the best candidates available and puts few restrictions on training background and fields of research. Applicants must however contact a relevant research group at IME and name a prospective thesis advisor prior to submitting their application.

Further information about the announcement and instructions for application:

Possible thesis advisors within the database area:

Applications should be submitted to the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Information Technology, Mathematics and Electrical Engineering, N-7491 Trondheim, Norway, or by e-mail to Applications should be marked IME-056-2008.

Closing date: February 16th 2009.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Austria: PhD Positions in Adaptive Method Coupling for the Simulation ...

Vacant PhD Positions in Adaptive Method Coupling for the Simulation of Problems in Geotechnical Engineering, TU Graz, Austria

For a translational Brain Power project Adaptive Method coupling for the simulation of problems in geotechnical engineering, funded by the Austrian science fund two research positions (PhD students) are offered.

The objective of the 3-year project is to develop strategies for an efficient, adaptive coupling of the 3 main numerical methods namely the Finite Element Method (FEM), Boundary Element Method (BEM) and Discrete Element Method (DEM), depending on the physical phenomena encountered.

Two PhD students will be employed. One will work under the supervision of Dr. Rojek from Polish Academy of Sciences (whose expertise is the DEM) and will be concerned mainly with the DEM, the other and will be supervised by Prof. Gernot Beer, head of the Institute for Structural Analysis at Graz University of Technology and be mainly concerned with the BEM. The work location will be the Graz, Austria but since the research group is international no German language skills will be required.

The appointment will be offered initially for one year and extended for another two years after an positive evaluation of the work done in the first year. The gross stipend will be Euro 1.767,80 per month. Ample funds are available to support travel to conferences for the presentation of results. The start of the project is envisaged to be March 1, 2009.

The minimum requirements are:

  • Completed Master or Diploma in an appropriate discipline, recognised by the TU Graz
  • Experience in computer programming (preferably C++)
  • Knowledge of numerical methods (FEM, BEM, DEM)

Your application should be sent before January 14, 2009 by e-mail to and .

Your email should contain a PDF file as attachment with the following information:

  • Curriculum Vitae
  • a copy of your Diploma or Master certificate together with the grades obtained
  • a description of the work done to date (i.e. Abstract of Diploma or Master thesis)
  • a letter describing your scientific interests
  • Names and email-addresses of at least two persons that may write a letter of recommendation

Closing date: January 14, 2009