
Saturday, April 18, 2009

Germany : PhD Studentships, International Graduate School

PhD Studentships, International Graduate School on Self-organization in Mobile Communication Systems, Germany

The International Graduate School on Mobile Communications at the Ilmenau University of Technology requests applications for the following positions:

  • 14 full-time research positions for doctoral students
  • 1 full-time postdoc position
  • 4 qualification stipends to prepare for doctoral studies

The Graduate School guides students to complete the doctoral program in three years.

The research focus is on the interdisciplinary development of mechanisms for self-organization in mobile communication systems considering protocol, network and radio aspects. Self-organization allows for the fast adaptation of highly complex systems to changing environments. This will provide the foundation for flexible future mobile communication networks.

The research goal of the School is the development of mechanisms for the autonomous, dynamic, distributed coordination of future mobile communication systems. Self-organization is applied to the radio system, protocols and the network as a whole. Our specific application scenarios are disaster networks, requiring an aggressive approach to network operation.

Details on the Graduate School can be found at The detailed job announcement is available at this page.

Due to numerous requests, the deadline for applications has been extended to April 20, 2009.

UK : PhD Studentships in International Public Health Policy

PhD Studentships in International Public Health Policy, University of Edinburgh, UK

University of Edinburgh
Two PhD Studentships
International Public Health Policy

The Centre for International Public Health Policy at the University of Edinburgh is offering two fully funded PhD studentships, covering fees (either UK/EU or international) and an annual stipend (for current academic year of £12,940), to commence in September 2009.

The successful candidates will have demonstrable skills in research and an understanding of issues in global health policy. They will have a postgraduate qualification in a relevant subject, or equivalent research experience. It is anticipated that students will be offered funding for three years for MPhil and subsequent progression to PhD.

Opportunities will exist for students to contribute to teaching and to the development of teaching materials, especially for e-distance learning.

We welcome proposals from outstanding candidates for research projects into any area of international public health policy that fits with CIPHP’s research portfolio.

If you wish to apply, you should make a formal application to the University of Edinburgh’s PhD programme in international public health policy at this link.

You should also send a covering letter and an outline proposal of no more than two pages to James Lancaster, , +44 131 651 3963. Please contact him in the first instance if you have any enquiries or would like further information.

The deadline for applications is Monday 11 May 2009.

Interviews will be held shortly afterwards, if necessary by teleconference or videoconference.

The Centre for International Public Health Policy (CIPHP) offers an outstanding environment in which to study for a PhD. It was established at the University of Edinburgh to conduct and disseminate research of the highest standard, and to provide exceptional postgraduate teaching. Focusing on the principles of equity, access, and universality, Prof Allyson Pollock and her colleagues have gained an international reputation for the quality and policy significance of their research across the following areas:

  • globalisation and health
  • comparative health systems
  • public private partnerships and marketisation
  • the role of pharmaceuticals in health services and clinical research
  • transnational corporations and international health policy
  • long term care
  • regulation, intellectual property, and freedom of information
  • child injury surveillance

CIPHP staff play a leading role in debates around the impact of current policies on public health and social inequalities. They contribute to the world’s leading peer-reviewed journals, and to professional journals, newspapers and magazines, and radio and television programmes.

CIPHP’s research agenda is interdisciplinary and international, and its research activities directly inform its innovative postgraduate teaching.

Current and recent work in CIPHP includes

Tracing pharmaceuticals in South Asia: regulation, distribution, and consumption - analysing how pharmaceuticals reach individual users in India and Nepal with respect to child and maternal health and mental illness.

Transnational tobacco companies, globalisation, and public policy - uses secret industry documents to examine strategic reliance on smuggling across Asia, the erosion of health legislation in Kenya, Thailand, and Uzbekistan, and industry efforts to undermine the WHO’s first international public health treaty.

Multilateral trade agreements - the impact of international economic law on health system administration.

Public private partnerships in England and Scotland and beyond - evaluates the role of private banks, venture capitalists, and multinational corporations in the provision of public services, including health, education, and transport.

The economic and social aspects of clinical trials - what are the implications of the expansion of clinical research for regulation, research ethics, patient welfare, intellectual property, the wider economy, and public engagement with medical science?

Targeted child health surveillance in Scotland - what impact does this have on child health improvement and health inequalities?

International experience of not-for-profit organisations - evaluating the implications for government control and the public interest of the increasing role of not-for-profit organisations.

For more information about CIPHP:

Australia: PhD Positions in Analytical Chemistry

PhD Positions in Analytical Chemistry Related to Rock Lobster Aquaculture, University of Tasmania, Australia


The Australian Centre for Research on Separation Science (ACROSS) is a collaborative research centre involving some 50 researchers at the University of Tasmania in Hobart and RMIT University in Melbourne. ACROSS undertakes research over a broad range of topics related to separation science. A description of ACROSS and a copy of the 2007 Annual Report can be accessed at Http://

There currently exists a position to work with this exciting and dynamic research centre on a project with direct relevance to hatchery production of rock lobster seedstock for aquaculture and enhancement with emphasis on ozonation of culture water to reduce disease. ACROSS holds an ARC Linkage grant in collaboration with the Tasmanian Aquaculture and Fisheries Institute (TAFI) on the farming of the rock lobster employing ozonolysis as a method of disinfection of the sea-water. For this grant the role of the APA-I candidate will focus on the ozonation chemistry procedures currently used at TAFI Marine Research Laboratories. Experiments will be conducted to ozonate sea-water under different conditions and new analytical methods based on ion chromatography (IC) will be developed to measure the levels of ozonation by-products (OBPs) at each condition. The instrumentation will be adapted for routine on-line analyses. The larger objective of this study is to develop a theory of ozonation in which component parts can be individually manipulated. Due to the multidimensional nature of the ozonolysis conditions, soft-modelling applications, such as the use of Artificial Neural Networks (ANN’s) will be employed to derive the optimum ozonolysis conditions producing the minimum levels of harmful OBPs. The successful candidate would be awarded a tax-free APA indexed scholarship of A$20,427 per annum for up to 3.5 years. A relocation assistance allowance may also be available to the successful candidate.

Persons interested in applying for this PhD scholarship should send an expression of interest and a CV directly to Professor Paul Haddad, Director of ACROSS, Private Bag 75, Hobart, TAS, 7001 or by email ( Further information can also be requested by email or by calling Prof Paul Haddad on (0061)36226-2179.

Italy: 44 PhD Positions in Information Technology

Italy: 44 PhD Positions in Information Technology, Politecnico di Milano

44 PhD positions in Information Technology at Department of Electronics and Information at Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italy

The Department of Electronics and Information is actively looking for applications from international students for the PhD program in Information Technology. The Department is striving to increase the number of students international students and of students from other universities in Italy, so as to strengthen our active international community.

The Department is active in the international research community with international publications, participation in international bodies, and participation in international research projects.

The competition for the admission to the XXV cycle of the Doctoral Programs has been published on the website.

Deadline for the applications April 30th, 2009.

44 positions are open in Information technology, 22 scholarships are available for students for the PhD program starting in January 2010, as well as a number of thematic scholarships for PhD thesis topics supported by industry.

Accommodation grants are available for international students on a competitive basis.

Detailed information about the PhD program in Information technology is given at the following pages

Teaching and all activities are in English.

The Department of Electronics and Information at Politecnico di Milano offers a common degree for PhD in Information technology. Students can specialize in one of the research areas in the Department:

- Systems and Control
- Electronics
- Computer Science and Engineering
- Telecommunications

Research areas and research groups are described in the DEI web site.

Proposed titles for PhD research by advisors in the Computer Science and Engineering area
are listed in the following page.

Further information can be requested to the PhD Program area coordinators:
- Systems and Control: Prof. Paolo Rocco,
- Electronics: Prof. Carlo Fiorini,
- Computer Science and Engineering: Prof. Barbara Pernici,
- Telecommunications: Prof. Arnaldo Spalvieri,

To get in contact with current PhD students you can contact the PhDDei association:

Administrative information: Dr. Danila Ferrara,