
Thursday, September 4, 2008

Scholarship 2009-10, Institute for Medieval Studies, University of Leeds

Bibliography Scholarship 2009-10, Institute for Medieval Studies, University of Leeds:UK

The Institute offers a Bibliography Scholarship for the academic year 2009-10, to be held by an international postgraduate student who is beginning either the MA programme or the PhD in the Institute. The scholarship is worth £1500 (paid in instalments over the academic year).

The successful applicant will work in the team producing the International Medieval Bibliography. He/she will receive training in the principles and practice of bibliographical abstracting and indexing in the different disciplines relevant to Medieval Studies, with particular emphasis on historical geography, manuscript referencing and different linguistic equivalents of index terms. He/she will undertake practical work experience in the production of an electronic serial bibliography under the supervision of the Editor of the International Medieval Bibliography, and will be required to compile complete bibliographical records in appropriate areas of expertise. The work will be undertaken for half a day per week over the academic year; there will be some flexibility in working times to accommodate vacations and/or research trips. Payment of the scholarship will be contingent on satisfactory performance. In awarding the scholarship, priority may be given to applicants who have not secured full scholarship funding for their studies.

Applications for the IMS Bibliography Scholarship should be submitted to Ms Alison Martin, Secretary, Teaching & Postgraduate Research Institute for Medieval Studies, Parkinson Building Room 4.05, University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT, UK (

Bibliography Scholarship applications may be submitted either in conjunction with applications for IMS MA and PhD programmes or at any point subsequently up to the deadline for receipt of Bibliography Scholarship applications: 11 May 2009.

Applications for the Bibliography Scholarship should consist of a separate curriculum vitae (maximum 3 pages) along with a letter of application for the scholarship (maximum 2 pages). Scholarship applicants may be required to attend an interview and/or undertake a written test. Decisions about the award of the scholarship will be announced to applicants in the week of 20 July 2009.

Bibliography Scholarship 2009-2010: person specification
Essential Attributes

  • A BA degree or equivalent in the Humanities with sufficient medieval components
  • A wide range of knowledge of the European Middle Ages (c. 400-1500)
  • Evidence of proof-reading skills
  • Computer literacy
  • Good communication and interpersonal skills

Desirable attributes

  • Good command of at least one modern European language in addition to English
  • Specialist knowledge of medieval history and/or a medieval European language
  • Previous experience of: research / publishing / bibliographic work / librarianship/archiving
  • Familiarity with Microsoft Access

Via: official announcement

Masters Course Scholarships in Environmental Sciences : Erasmus Mundus

Europe: Erasmus Mundus Masters Course Scholarships in Environmental Sciences, Policy and Management

MESPOM is an Erasmus Mundus Masters course in Environmental Sciences, Policy and Management operated by four leading European Universities and supported by the European Commission. MESPOM prepares students for identifying and implementing solutions to complex environmental challenges, especially in an international context.

The MESPOM study programme is in English and lasts two years. The students study in at least three out of four consortium universities: the International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics at Lund University (Sweden), the University of Manchester (UK), Central European University, Budapest, and the University of the Aegean (Lesvos, Greece).

The European Commission’s Erasmus Mundus programme provides scholarships to outstanding students from countries outside the European Union to attend MESPOM and to scholars to participate in teaching and research. Additional forms of financial assistance are available to students of all nationalities.

The current MESPOM students and recent graduates come from 45 countries of five continents. The first alumni are employed in private and public (including UN) organizations and academia.

MESPOM invites applications from all countries. Successful candidates must have a good first degree in a subject related to environmental sciences, policy and management. Candidates with other first degrees are also considered if they show commitment to environmental issues, usually through work experience.

For more information, please see the official website.

University of Canterbury Masters, Doctoral Scholarships:New Zealand

University of Canterbury Masters’ Scholarships are tenable for full time or part time study towards the research year of a Masters degree at the University of Canterbury.

Approximately 40 scholarships are offered each year.

$12,000 per annum, plus tuition fees (NZ domestic rate) (in most situations this will be equivalent to 1.00 EFTS over a year, )

Tenure: 1 year

Submit applications to the Scholarships Office

Closing date: 15 October, 15 May

Phone: +64 3 364 2459
Fax: +64 3 364 2171

International Office
University of Canterbury
Private Bag 4800
Christchurch 8140

For further information, please see the official announcement.



University of Canterbury Doctoral Scholarships are tenable for full time study or part time study towards the PhD degree at the University of Canterbury. Both domestic and international students are eligible.

Applicants are also considered for the following prestigious scholarships: Brownlie Scholarship; Roper Scholarship; Canterbury Scholarship (domestic students); and/or UC Interational Doctoral Scholarships (international students). No separate application is required.

Students from any disciplines may apply. A small number of Doctoral scholarships are reserved for certain colleges/ faculties: Business and Economics; Creative Arts; Education; and Law. Applications for the reserved scholarships are made on the standard application form.

Value: $20,000 per annum plus tuition fees at NZ domestic rate for thesis only.

Tenure: 3 years

Submit applications to the Scholarships Office

Closing date: 15 October, 15 May

Phone: +64 3 364 2459
Fax: +64 3 364 2171

International Office
University of Canterbury
Private Bag 4800
Christchurch 8140

For further information, please see the official announcement.

RMIT University International Research Scholarships 2009 : Australia

RMIT University is committed to world-class research that is practical, applied and valuable. The University is committed to attracting top research students into its key areas of expertise. Priority for scholarships will be given to students conducting their research in one of these identified RMIT research concentration areas.

RUIRS 2009 awards are awarded to international postgraduate research students with excellent academic performance.

Important: All applicants wishing to apply for an RMIT University International Research Scholarship 2009 must have received an offer letter for an RMIT postgraduate by research program. To apply for admission into a program please visit

RMIT University International Research Scholarships (RUIRS) will be awarded to:
new international postgraduate research students, intending to enrol in Semester 1 or Semester 2, 2009

Applicants must possess excellent academic results.

Applicants who are citizens of all overseas countries, except New Zealand are eligible.

Applicants who meet international student visa requirements as specified by the Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC), including the requirement to purchase and maintain a standard Overseas Student Health Cover policy approved by the Commonwealth Government of Health and Ageing.

Applicants must be commencing full-time enrolment in a Higher Degree by Research (HDR) program in Australia in 2009 at RMIT University. The approved program duration is two years for a Masters by Research degree or three years for a Doctorate by Research degree.

RUIRS 2009 awardees must commence their studies in Australia in 2009 at RMIT University by 30th August 2009. The RUIRS 2009 award cannot be deferred to another year. If a candidate is unable to take up a RUIRS award, the candidate must apply again for the award in the following year.

Applicants must have received a Firm Offer or Conditional Offer of a place for entry in a Higher Degree Research (HDR) program at RMIT University, to commence in Semester 1 or Semester 2, 2009. The offers must be granted no later than 31st October 2008.

Sponsorship/Scholarship history
Applicants who are applying for or have received external funding for tuition and/or living allowance are eligible to apply. The allocation of the tuition fee and living allowance for RUIRS 2009 is at the discretion of RMIT University and will be determined by the value of external allowances. Please provide details of the sponsorship arrangement and evidence of the funding and duration. RMIT University must receive the evidence by the closing date, 31st October 2008.

English language requirements
Applicants must provide evidence of English language proficiency prior to 31st October 2008.

As a guide, RMIT University requires the following English language requirements for entry into research programs:

  • IELTS - 6.5+ (no band less than 6.0)
  • TOEFL – Paper based = 580+ (TWE4.5+)
  • TOEFL – Computer based = 237+ (TWE4.5+)
  • REW – English for Academic Purposes Advanced 2

The IELTS/TOEFL/RMIT English test result must be current or have been taken no more than 2 years before the commencement of the research program.

Note: Some programs have higher English language requirements

The following students cannot apply for the RUIRS 2009 award:
Currently enrolled RMIT University students in a Research Masters Program or Doctoral Program.

Value of RUIRS 2009 Award

RMIT University will provide:

  • The annual tuition fees in a Higher Degree by Research (HDR) program undertaken at RMIT University, in a program included on the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS) for the standard duration of the program.
  • The cost of a standard Overseas Student Health Cover policy approved by the Commonwealth Government Department of Health and Ageing and which covers the student and dependants for the period of the RUIRS 2009 award.
  • A living allowance for successful candidates of the RUIRS 2009 for the standard duration of the program. As a guide, RMIT University recipients of the RUIRS 2008 were awarded a living allowance of approximately AUD$19,000 per annum for the standard duration of the program – two years for a Masters by Research degree or three years for a Doctorate by Research degree.

The RUIRS award does not provide for travel, medical costs associated with the issue or renewal of a student visa, thesis expenses, cost of English Language Intensive Courses for Overseas Students (ELICOS), or costs associated with overseas fieldwork.

Selection Criteria
Students must be undertaking study in a subject area identified by RMIT University as one of its areas of research concentration. RMIT University has identified the following as their research concentrations for 2009.

Science, Engineering and Technology Portfolio

  • Advanced Industrial Informatics
  • System Modeling & Optimization
  • Microplatforms
  • Advanced Materials
  • Traditional & Complementary Medicine
  • Metabolic Diseases
  • Biomedical Electronics
  • Interfaces Soft Condensed Matter & Nano Structures
  • Environmental Change
  • Aero, Auto Design
  • Geospatial Science
  • Biotech

Business Portfolio

  • Accountability, Governance and Regulation of Business Organisations
  • Economics; Finance; Marketing
  • Systems, Models, Management and Technology for the Digital World
  • Creation and Design, Performance, Governance and Sustainability of Organisations
  • Logistics and Supply Chain Systems and Management

Design and Social Context

  • Urban Sustainability
  • Globalisation
  • Design in the Built Environment
  • Visual Arts and Media
  • Teaching and Learning

Duration of The RUIRS 2009 Award
The RUIRS 2009 award will cover the normal duration of the program from the time the student commences the HDR degree at RMIT University. The normal duration of an RUIRS is three years for Research Doctorate degrees and two years for Research Masters degrees.

The duration of an RUIRS will be reduced in the following situations:

  • During suspension of the RUIRS award.
  • If a student is transferring from another institution.

If an RUIRS awardee transfers to another institution, the funding for the RUIRS award will cease.

How to apply
Applications for the 2009 scholarships will open on Monday 15th September 2008.

Closing date: Complete submissions must be received by 5.00 pm Eastern Standard Time, Friday 31st October 2008. Late applications or late submission of documentation will NOT be considered.

Applicants wishing to be considered for a RUIRS 2009 award must apply online here. (Please note the online application facility will not be available until Monday 15th September).

The following documents must be submitted (these can be uploaded through the online application form or sent directly to our office – see Contact)

  • A copy of your offer letter from RMIT University
  • Two Academic Referee Reports (Faxed and emailed copies of Academic Referee Reports will not be accepted) Please download the Academic Referee Report Form here.
  • Official certified copies of all academic transcripts, including a university explanation of the grading system. Copies should be provided in both English and the original language (where applicable)
  • Certified copy of graduation certificate
  • Evidence of English language proficiency
  • Research proposal outlining the objective, methodology and expected outcomes (no less than 200 words)
  • Statement indicating why you wish to undertake this research
  • Resume (Curriculum Vitae)
  • Evidence of your employment history on company letterhead (if applicable)
  • Copy of any relevant publications, unpublished thesis or essays you have completed (if applicable)
  • Letter from scholarship provider (if applicable)

For Art & Design related programs (if applicable), please also include

  • A portfolio of 12 slides or a CD Rom including annotation introducing the work. Your folio will not be returned, please ensure that you retain a copy of all your folio.
  • Supplementary forms relevant to the Art & Design related program. The form can be printed out at RMIT International’s Supplementary forms webpage (

Certified copies
Certified copies’ are copies authorised, or stamped as being true copies of the originals, by a person or agency recognised by the law of the country in which they are certified.

Documents submitted
Please note that all documents submitted remain the property of RMIT University. Requests for documents to be returned will not be approved.

For all correspondence on the above please contact:

International Scholarships Office
International and Development Portfolio
RMIT University
Building 108, Level 4, 239 Bourke Street
Melbourne, Victoria 3000, Australia
Tel: (+61 3) 9925 5135
Fax: (+61 3) 9663 6925

Via: official announcement

Monday, September 1, 2008

Funded PhD Positions in Science and Technology, Delft University

The Netherlands: Funded PhD Positions in Science and Technology,
Delft University of Technology

The Faculty of Applied Sciences is the largest faculty at TU Delft and is equipped with advanced laboratory and experimental facilities. It has an academic staff of more than 200 and approximately 400 PhD and post-doctoral researchers from all over the world. Many of the members of academic staff are prize-winning scientists and engineers internationally known in their fields of research. The Faculty conducts both fundamental and application-oriented research and offers scientific education at the Bachelor, Master and doctoral levels. The working language for postgraduate education and research is English.

Research is spread over six departments:

For detailed project description and names of research leaders for funded PhD positions and application instructions, please go to the Faculty’s application website.

Research keywords
analytical biotechnology, biocatalysis, bioprocess, separation technology, enzymology, industrial microbiology, complex fluids, nanostructured materials, molecular thermodynamics, opto-electronic materials, self-assembling systems, nano-organic chemistry, catalysis engineering, charged particle optics, quantitative imaging, acoustical imaging, optics, molecular electronics, molecular biophysics, nanoelectronics, photronic devices, quantum transport, theoretical physics, high resolution electron microscopy, computational reactor engineering, reactive flows and explosions, multi-phase flows, computational fluid mechanics, clouds, climate and air quality, hydrogen storage, lithium ion batteries, structural and magnetic materials, semi-conductor nanocrystals, fuel cells, solar cells, energy, polarised neutron techniques, positrons, radiation, isotopes, medical imaging, nuclear reactors, nanoscience, biotechnology, chemical technology, nanofabrication, computational fluid dynamics, multi-scale modelling.

TU Delft (Delft University of Technology) is the foremost research university in the Netherlands for science and engineering. It is consistently ranked within the top 20 in the THES world ranking of science and technology universities. The working language in postgraduate education and research is English.

Employee or student?
Students in funded PhD positions are considered employees of TU Delft. The successful candidate will be employed full-time by TU Delft for a fixed period of 4 years within which he or she is expected to write a dissertation leading to a doctoral degree (PhD thesis). The starting salary is €2000 gross per month increasing to a maximum of € 2558 gross per month in the fourth year.

Funding information
Number of awards per year: Up to 8
Funding applies to: Open to applicants from a range of countries
Funding notes:
Students in funded PhD positions are considered employees of TU Delft for the duration of their appointment. The successful candidate will be employed full-time by TU Delft for a fixed period of 4 years within which he or she is expected to write a dissertation leading to a doctoral degree (PhD thesis). While conducting research and receiving supervision, the candidate may also be expected to carry out a certain amount of teaching or supervisory tasks. Starting salary is €2000 gross per month increasing to a maximum of € 2558 gross per month in the fourth year.

TU Delft offers an attractive benefits package, including a flexible work week, free high-speed Internet access from home, and the option of assembling a customized compensation and benefits package (the ‘IKA’). Salary and benefits are in accordance with the Collective Labour Agreement for Dutch Universities. Delft University of Technology strives to increase the number of women in higher academic positions; women are therefore especially encouraged to apply.

For more information please go to
Funding duration: 4 years

Graduate Office, Faculty of Applied Sciences, TU Delft
Lorentzweg 1
2628 CJ Delft
T: +31 15 2787991

UH International Scholarship, University of Hertfordshire : UK

University of Hertfordshire International Scholarship: UH international scholarship is available at both undergraduate and postgraduate level. To be eligible, you must have met the University’s academic and English Language entry requirements and have been successful in gaining an unconditional offer of a place. This scholarship will be awarded automatically to students who meet these requirements; you do not need to apply separately.

The UH international scholarship is available to all students with an overseas (non-EU) fee status, including those from the following priority regions and countries:

Sub-Saharan Africa;
Botswana, Cameroon, Gambia, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Mauritius, Nigeria, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe

North Africa:
Algeria, Egypt, Libya

Central and South America and the Caribbean:
Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, Venezuela

North America:
Canada, Mexico, USA

East Asia:
China, Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea; Taiwan

South East Asia:
Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos

Europe (non-EU) and Central Asia
Norway, Russia, Turkey, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan

Middle East
Bahrain, Iran, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Jordan

South Asia
Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka

For further scholarship information, please visit the official announcement.