
Friday, April 18, 2008

Sweden: PhD Position in Mathematical Ecology, Umea University

We are looking for a PhD student in mathematical ecology, to study evolution in response to exogenous ecosystem changes such as exploitation and climate change. A major part of the work will consist of the development and use of mathematical and computational tools.

The position is a joint appointment by the Department of Ecology and Environmental Science and the Department of Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics, and the PhD student is expected to work with and take relevant courses at each of these departments. Depending on the direction in which the PhD student takes his or her research, the position may lead to a degree in mathematics or ecology.

For this position, strong quantitative skills and an interest in ecology and applied mathematics are required. Candidates need a university Bachelor degree, with a minimum of 120 ECTS in relevant fields such as mathematics, physics, computer science, or ecology.

Your application should include a cover letter describing your interest in and suitability for the position, a Curriculum Vitae, relevant publications (if available), copies of degree certificates, and contact information of two academic references. The procedure for recruitment for the position is in accordance with the Higher Education Ordinance (Högskoleförordningen chpts. 5 and 7) The position is available for a four year period (48 months).

For more information about this position, contact Åke Brännström , +46-(0)90-786 78 62 or Lennart Persson , +46-(0)90-786 63 16.

For a general presentation of the two departments, see and . See also for a general presentation of Umeå and the University.

Union information is available from SACO, +46-(0)90-786 53 65, SEKO civil, +46-(0)90-786 52 96 and ST, +46-(0)90-786 54 31.

Your complete application, marked with reference number 313-1420-08, should be sent to the Registrar, Umeå University, SE-901 87 Umeå, Sweden to arrive May 15, 2008 at the latest.

PhD Fellowship in Nanopositioning Norwegian University of Science

PhD Fellowship in Nanopositioning, Norwegian University of Science and Technology:Norway

At Department of Engineering Cybernetics, Norwegian University of Science and Technology we have available a PhD research fellowship position within the field of nanopositioning. Funding is for 3 years and startup is autumn 2008.

Several applications of nanopositioning have emerged during the last decade. An application where positioning is of great importance is scanning probe microscopes (SPM). These kinds of devices are used both for imaging at the nanoscale and manufacturing of advanced materials. The atomic force microscope (AMF) is one of the foremost tools for imaging, measuring and manipulation at the nanoscale. T he focus of the research will be analysis and control design for piezoelectric actuators in AFMs.

The ultimate goal of this work will be to increase the scan speed of the instrument in order to make possible imaging in close to real time. In turn, this will open up for applications like real time imaging of biological objects. A prerequisite for this is the ability to position the probe of the microscope with sub-nanometer accuracy and very high bandwidth. The research will encompass mathematical modeling, theoretical design and analysis, simulations and experimental work.

The research is to be carried out at The Department of Engineering Cybernetics in cooperation with NTNU NanoLab.

PhD fellows are placed in salary code 1017, which currently corresponds to a yearly gross income of NOK 325 600 up to 431 500 (pay scale level 43 - 59). From this 2 % will be deducted for mandatory membership in the National Pension Fund.

We seek highly motivated applicants with a strong background in control engineering. Successful applicants will have a Master’s degree in control engineering or control systems design. A specialization in motion control will be beneficial, but other specializations will also be c onsidered. Experience in the broad field of nanotechnology will be an asset, but is not necessary. The applicant must fulfill the requirements for doctoral studies at NTNU (see

Further Information & Application
Interested candidates should contact Professor Jan Tommy Gravdahl ( or Professor Kristin Pettersen (

The appointment will be made in accordance with current regulations with supplementary rules for research fellowship appointments in universities and polytechnics. Applicants must agree to participate in organized doctoral study programs within the period of the appointment. The successful applicant must agree to the conditions laid down for publ ic employees.

Candidates will be required to enroll in a PhD program within the period of employment, and must sign a contract regulating the starting date and duration of employment as well as the mandatory work.

According to Norwegian policies, the government workforce should, as closely as possible, reflect the diversity of the population at large. It is therefore a goal of NTNU, as a government institution, to have a workforce which is balanced with respect to age and gender, and to recruit persons of immigrant background. NTNU also wishes to increase the number of women on its workforce, and women are specifically encouraged to apply.
The application must include information about education, exams and earlier experience. Certified copies of certificates and diplomas must be enclosed. Relevant scientific works should be submitted in triplicate. Joint works will be taken into account. In cases where it is difficult to determine the applicant’s contri bution, a short note of explanation should be supplied.

Applications should be sent to:

Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
Faculty of Information Technology, Mathematics and Electrical Engineering NO-7491 Trondheim, NORWAY

Deadline: June 15, 2008.

Postions for MS Degree or Phd Candidates in the Control Area

South Korea: Postions for MS Degree or Phd Candidates in the Control Area, Gyeongsang National University

There are 2 or 3 positions available for M.S. degree or Ph.D candidates in the control area of the school of mechanical and aerospace engineering at Gyeongsang National University in South Korea. The prospective students can start to study from this comming fall semester, 2008.

The students graduated from mechanical or electrical engineering department are expected to apply to these positions.

They can be supported for living cost (US$ 300 - US$ 800 per month) and tuition.

If you are interested in these positions, please send me ( academic transcript and resume (please show your English proficiency).

Professor Iljoong Youn
School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering.
Gyeongsang National University,
South Korea
Tel. +82-55-751-5317

Monday, April 14, 2008

Germany: Doctoral Scholarships at Cologne Graduate School in Management

Cologne Graduate School in Management, Economics and Social Sciences (CGS), University of Cologne (Germany)

Doctoral Program – funded by the German Federal State of North Rhine-Westphalia - Scholarships available

The Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences (WiSo-Faculty) of the University of Cologne is the largest and best reputed faculty of its type in Germany. The Cologne Graduate School in Management, Economics, and Social Sciences (CGS) of the WiSo-Faculty offers a three-year doctoral program to outstanding students holding a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree (or German Diploma or equivalent) in Management, Economics and Social Sciences or related disciplines.

The course program will start in October 2008. During the first year, students with a Master’s degree will take part in courses on multidisciplinary methods and theories and subject-specific courses. During the second and third year, students mainly conduct research and work on their thesis. Students are encouraged to spend one term abroad. Students with a Bachelor’s degree take part in one of the Master’s programs of the Faculty on a special doctoral track.

The CGS is looking for excellent students with a Bachelor’s degree or excellent students who are close to finishing their Master’s degree (or German Diploma or equivalent) and who count among the top 10% of graduates in their faculty. The teaching language of the program is English.

For excellent students with a Master’s degree (or German Diploma or equivalent), the CGS offers a limited number of scholarships (1,200 Euro per month). The maximum duration of a scholarship is three years. For excellent students with a Bachelor’s degree, the CGS offers a grant of 800 Euro per month in the first two years and 1,200 Euro afterwards.

Deadline for application is May 15, 2008
. The application includes an application form to be filled in, a CV, a letter of motivation, two letters of recommendation, academic transcripts etc. For applicants from non-German speaking countries we strongly recommend to add GRE or GMAT results. For more details, please visit the CGS website:

Applications have to be sent by regular mail to:

Cologne Graduate School in Management, Economics and Social Sciences (CGS)
50931 Köln


Applications are only considered if they are complete and received by May 15, 2008. Courses start in October 2008.

Germany: 12 PhD Studentships / 3 Postdoctoral Fellowships in Berlin

The Research Training Group (Graduiertenkolleg) 1458 “Notational Iconicity. On the Materiality, Perceptibilty and Operativity of Writing” at Freie Universitaet Berlin, funded by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), is offering from 1st October 2008

12 Ph.D studentships (full-time) and
3 postdoctoral fellowships

for a duration of 2 years (the Ph.D studentships are extendable for another year).

Closing date for applications: 26th April 2008.

The research training group is dedicated to investigating script/writing as a key subject in the humanities. Its aim is to contribute to a change of perspective from a phonographic, language-centred concept of writing to an iconographic, language-neutral concept of writing. The founding hypothesis is that both alphabetic and non-alphabetic scripts are hybrid forms that combine discursive and iconic components and that writing is therefore more than simply a medium used to record spoken language. The research training group investigates systematically and/or historically the creative and explorative functions of notation in everyday, scientific and artistic contexts. Academic disciplines from throughout the humanities are involved as well as psychology and computer studies.

More detailed information on the research and study programme and on conditions for application can be found at:

Applications are to be sent by 26th April 2008 to:

Prof. Dr. Sybille Krämer
Freie Universität Berlin
Institut für Philosophie
Habelschwerdter Allee 30
D - 14195 Berlin

Sunday, April 13, 2008

PhD Fellowship in Nanopositioning, Norwegian University

Norway: PhD Fellowship in Nanopositioning, Norwegian University of Science and Technology

At Department of Engineering Cybernetics, Norwegian University of Science and Technology we have available a PhD research fellowship position within the field of nanopositioning. Funding is for 3 years and startup is autumn 2008.

Several applications of nanopositioning have emerged during the last decade. An application where positioning is of great importance is scanning probe microscopes (SPM). These kinds of devices are used both for imaging at the nanoscale and manufacturing of advanced materials. The atomic force microscope (AMF) is one of the foremost tools for imaging, measuring and manipulation at the nanoscale. T he focus of the research will be analysis and control design for piezoelectric actuators in AFMs.

The ultimate goal of this work will be to increase the scan speed of the instrument in order to make possible imaging in close to real time. In turn, this will open up for applications like real time imaging of biological objects. A prerequisite for this is the ability to position the probe of the microscope with sub-nanometer accuracy and very high bandwidth. The research will encompass mathematical modeling, theoretical design and analysis, simulations and experimental work.

The research is to be carried out at The Department of Engineering Cybernetics in cooperation with NTNU NanoLab.

PhD fellows are placed in salary code 1017, which currently corresponds to a yearly gross income of NOK 325 600 up to 431 500 (pay scale level 43 - 59). From this 2 % will be deducted for mandatory membership in the National Pension Fund.

We seek highly motivated applicants with a strong background in control engineering. Successful applicants will have a Master’s degree in control engineering or control systems design. A specialization in motion control will be beneficial, but other specializations will also be c onsidered. Experience in the broad field of nanotechnology will be an asset, but is not necessary. The applicant must fulfill the requirements for doctoral studies at NTNU (see

Further Information & Application
Interested candidates should contact Professor Jan Tommy Gravdahl (Tommy.Gravdahl[ at ] or Professor Kristin Pettersen (Kristin.Pettersen[ at ]

The appointment will be made in accordance with current regulations with supplementary rules for research fellowship appointments in universities and polytechnics. Applicants must agree to participate in organized doctoral study programs within the period of the appointment. The successful applicant must agree to the conditions laid down for publ ic employees.

Candidates will be required to enroll in a PhD program within the period of employment, and must sign a contract regulating the starting date and duration of employment as well as the mandatory work.

According to Norwegian policies, the government workforce should, as closely as possible, reflect the diversity of the population at large. It is therefore a goal of NTNU, as a government institution, to have a workforce which is balanced with respect to age and gender, and to recruit persons of immigrant background. NTNU also wishes to increase the number of women on its workforce, and women are specifically encouraged to apply.
The application must include information about education, exams and earlier experience. Certified copies of certificates and diplomas must be enclosed. Relevant scientific works should be submitted in triplicate. Joint works will be taken into account. In cases where it is difficult to determine the applicant’s contri bution, a short note of explanation should be supplied.

Applications should be sent to:

Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
Faculty of Information Technology, Mathematics and Electrical Engineering
NO-7491 Trondheim, NORWAY

Deadline: June 15, 2008.

Applications should be marked: IME 025-2008.

Czech: PhD Positions in Chemical Engineering, Institute of Chemical Technology

The following topics are available:

  1. Biomimetic synthesis of active porous structures
  2. Synthesis and characterisation of chemical robots
  3. Molecular transport and reaction kinetics in artificial cellular structures
  4. Synthesis and characterisation of multi-compartmental giant vesicles

The positions will suit results-oriented individuals with a desire to realise their own intellectual potential in modern interdisciplinary research and the ability to closely collaborate with other team members and our academic and industrial partners from Europe and the US. Our work is characterised by a fast pace in a friendly professional atmosphere, backed by state-of-the-art research infrastructure and a competitive remuneration. We are committed to equal opportunities.

Questions & Application
For further information please see and contact Frantisek

Institute of Chemical Technology, Prague
Department of Chemical Engineering
Technicka 5
Praha 6, 166 28 CZECH REPUBLIC

Germany: PhD Position for e-NMR in Frankfurt am Main

You will be part of a European team working toward the deployment and unification of the NMR computational infrastructure in system biology, e-NMR, a project funded under the 7th framework programme of the European Union.

Biomolecular NMR plays an important role in life sciences, and structural biology in particular, at both European and international levels. The main objective of this project is to optimize and extend the use of the NMR Research Infrastructures of EU-NMR through the implementation of an e-Infrastructure in order to provide the European biomolecular NMR user community with a platform integrating and streamlining the computational approaches necessary for NMR data analysis.

For this, you will work on the development of a uniformed and integrated e-NMR platform that will form the core of the e-NMR infrastructure. The work will be carried in close collaboration with our European partners.

You should have a degree in (bio)chemistry, physics, bioinformatics, computational biology or a related field. A background in the computational aspects of biomolecular NMR and structure calculations, experience with Linux and programming skills are an advantage. You should show initiative and the ability to work independently.

How to apply
Your application including a CV should be sent by email, post or fax to Prof. Dr. Peter Güntert, Institut für Biophysikalische Chemie, Max-von-Laue-Str. 9 (N220, 105), 60438 Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Fax +49-6979829632 guentert(at)

PhD and MS Scholarships at Cheju National University

South Korea: PhD and MS Scholarships at Cheju National University

There are three PhD studentships (only students who have done masters already should apply) for Material Science, Mechanical Engineer and Electronics Engineer and also one Computer or Electronics Engineer at the School of Mechanical Engineering Cheju National University, South Korea at Advance Micro Mechatronics Lab.

Research Background
Research in the silicon industry is maturated considerably. Now inkjet technology is being utilized for developing cheaper and accurate digital devices. Semiconductor giants like Samsung and Hynix are investing huge money in to the electronic printing system. Our research group is carrying research in printed electronics which will be the preferred manufacturing process for RFIDs, flexible panel systems, displays, and sensors in future.

Research Area for PhD Studentship Material Science Engineer
Studying nano-materials, nano-physics and nano-device applications with respect to electrostatic inkjet printing. Study of the polymer based thin films, substrate property, chemical properties of ink and role of nano particles in electrostatic printing will be of main focus of research. Knowledge of laser technology for printing systems, curing method and emerging technologies in printed electronics will be of added advantage.

Research Area for PhD Studentship Mechanical Engineer
Designing of multi-nozzle inkjet system for printed electronics which will include flow regulators, pumping system and control sensors. In addition to this the students is required to perform numerous experiments for the evaluation of proposed printing method. Strong background in controls and micro-fabrication is necessary.

Research Area for PhD Studentship Electronics Engineer
Control of the multinozzle mechanism and control of the substrate with respect to the printing parameters to print different types of electronic devices through Electrostatic Inkjet Printing System. Knowledge of the programming language and machine interface is necessary.

Research Area for MS Studentship Computer Engineer
Strong knowledge of C++ and MFC programming is required. The person will be working on the integration of the systems and real-time control.

Selection Criteria
The main criteria of selection is GPA (must be above 3.0). Beside GPA research proposal, resume and good communication skill in English (TOEFL or IELTS) will be considered.

Interested candidate please forward their copy of transcript, research proposal and resume at and mentioning the post in the subject.