The IT University of Copenhagen (ITU) invites applications for a number of PhD scholarships starting in the summer of 2008 in any of the research groups represented at ITU.
Programming, Logic and Semantics:
Programming languages, automated reasoning, logical frameworks, proof assistants, semantics, category theory, domain theory, distributed and mobile computing, business processes, concurrency theory, electronic voting.
Center for Computer Games Research:
Game aesthetics, game ontology, game culture, game play, player communities, game design theory, games and human computer interfaces/game testing, and game software development.
Innovative Communication:
Advanced and innovative communication trends, historical and rhetorical methods of innovation, theories and applications of new media, design and development of interactive technologies in the contexts of prior and emerging cultures of information.
Computational Logic and Algorithms:
Efficient and mathematically sound solutions to problems arising in logical formulations within planning, scheduling, verification, test, and
configuration; algorithms for searching and storing of large amounts of data.
Software Development Group:
Electronic Health Records, user interface software technology, ubiquitous computing, software architectures, empirical studies of software development in organizations, object-oriented methodology and notations, programming language technology for functional and object-oriented languages, and more.
Design of Organizational IT:
Computer supported cooperative work, design anthropology, information systems, participatory design, and science and technology studies, design and use of IT involving current and prospective users, IT designers and managers, health care organizations and IT, interaction design.
For more information about the individual research groups, their research interests and specific PhD projects within their areas, please visit
You are also welcome to contact individual members of the faculty directly for more information about their respective research areas.
General information:
A successful applicant will be an excellent student capable of conducting research under supervision by one of ITU’s faculty members and at the highest international level.
The PhD scholarships run for a period of three or four years depending on the educational level of the student. A three-year scholarship can only be awarded to applicants with a Master’s degree equivalent to a Danish graduate degree. Students with the equivalence of 4 years of university studies - where one year (60 ECTS) is transferable to one of the Master of IT programmes at ITU - can be awarded a four year scholarship.
Appointment and salary will be in accordance with the agreement between the Ministry of Finance and the Danish Confederation of Professional Associations (AC).
Applicants must document that they will be able to fulfill the admission requirements before entering the PhD programme.
Applications, including letter of motivation and project description must be written in English. All other documents, such as transcripts must be accompanied by a translation into English if not already written in English or Danish. Transcripts that are not issued by a country of the European Union are expected to be accompanied with a grade key written in English.
Please read the Guidelines for Applicants carefully and use the ITU application form when applying. Guidelines and Application form are available at:
The application must include:
1. Completed application form
2. Letter of motivation
3. Project description
4. Documentation of previous studies; transcripts, diplomas etc.
5. Brief CV
6. Optional: Copy of thesis and/or up to 3 selected publications and a numbered list of all publications, if any
All application material, including enclosures (see above points 1-6), must be assembled in a manner that makes it easy to copy, i.e. A4 format and unstapled.
You may submit your application electronically (one file per person) in pdf-format to
Please note that applications sent to any other email address will not be taken into consideration. Please write ref. no 225-0033 in the subject line in the mail.
The application in 1 copy including enclosures must also be submitted to:
IT-Universitetet i København
Att.: Journalen
Rued Langgaards Vej 7
2300 KBH. S.
Marked: “ref. no 225-0033”
Application deadline: April 7, 2008 at 12.00 noon.