
Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Postgraduate Research Scholarships, School of Environment

Postgraduate Research Scholarships, School of Environment & Development (SED), the University of Manchester, UK

School of Environment and Development Research Scholarship
The School will award two SED Research Scholarships for doctoral candidates starting the academic year beginning September 2009/10. The Scholarship is comprised of a maintenance grant and full payment of tuition fees, and will be awarded for a period of three years. The School invites applications from both home and overseas students for this prestigious Scholarship.

Please note that this scholarship may not be held concurrently with any other University or external scholarship.

The deadline for applications is Friday 27th February 2009.

School of Environment and Development Teaching Bursaries
The School will award a number of Teaching Bursaries in the academic year 2009/10. The Bursary consists of payment of/a contribution towards tuition fees at the rate of the standard SED home rate. Non EU students will be required to pay the difference between the home fee and the full overseas fee. The award holders will be expected to undertake an element of teaching work as a condition of their award.

Eligibility Criteria
Applicants for the Scholarships and Teaching Bursaries should hold or be expecting a First Class degree award, and/or a Distinction in a related Masters degree. Applicants who hold a good 2:1 in their first degree will be considered on merit.

Applicants for the Teaching Bursary should include full details of any teaching experience or areas of expertise on their application form.

Applicants to both schemes should apply via the normal postgraduate online application form and include a full research proposal with their application. In the funding section of the PG application form applicants should enter: SED Teaching Bursary.

The deadline for applications is Friday 27th February 2009.

For more information, please contact:

Paul Arrowsmith
Recruitment & Admissions Administrator
School of Environment & Development
Arthur Lewis Building, Rm 2.022
Oxford Road
Manchester M13 9PL

Tel: 0044 161 275 0800
Fax: 0044 161 275 0421

Postdoctoral Position at Department of Experimental Pathology

Italy: Postdoctoral Position at Department of Experimental Pathology, the University of Bologna

One post-doctoral position is available at the Department of Experimental Pathology of the University of Bologna. We look for a highly motivated individual with a PhD in biomedical sciences or related fields.

The focus of the project, which is funded for three years by the Association for International Cancer Research (AICR), will be to define the role of DKC1 gene as a tumor suppressor in human cancer. The research plan will include experimental approaches to study how DKC1 gene functional impairment can influence ribosome biogenesis and the translation of genes involved in neoplastic transformation and progression in vitro, as well as the study of DKC1 gene mutations, epigenetic modifications and expression in primary tumors relevant for human pathology. The works involve cellular and molecular biology, protein biochemistry and molecular pathology of human primary tumors.

The applicant is expected to be well trained in molecular biology techniques and have a basic understanding of cancer research. If interested please send your CV including letters of recommendation of previous advisers to Lorenzo Montanaro at (it will be also required to answer the official call available at this page.

Italy: Scholarships for Bachelor’s Degree

Scholarships for Bachelor’s Degree in Textile Engineering

Biella Campus project (Textile Engineering), Italy

The project offers international students (in particular from Romania, Lithuania, Belarus, Brazil, India, Pakistan and China) the possibility to receive a scholarship and other benefits to graduate from the Politecnico di Torino attending a Bachelor of Science (BS) course in Textile Engineering at the Biella campus.

The initiative is promoted by the Politecnico di Torino and is supported by Camera di Commercio di Biella, Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Biella and Unione Industriale Biellese.

Call for applications for the 2009/2010 academic year