
Wednesday, June 25, 2008

PhD Studentships in Control Systems, University of Manchester

PhD Studentships: Control Systems

Robust Control Systems and application to Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering - Control Systems Group
Dr Alexander Lanzon

Start date: September/October 2008
Closing date for applications: 31st July 2008

Scholarship funds are available to support top-level graduate students (both home/EU and overseas), wishing to read for a PhD degree in Robust Control Systems and application to Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. The funds are available through an EPSRC project and the successful candidates will work with Dr Lanzon in the Control Systems Group.

Candidates should have a first or upper second class degree from a UK university or an overseas equivalent. Excellent knowledge of modern control theory and control fundamentals is essential, and demonstrable mathematical strengths are desirable.

Interested candidates should formally submit a full application for admission at the University of Manchester as soon as possible, and by 31st July at the latest. This can be completed online at:

It is important to ensure that all requested documents for a full application are uploaded, including detailed transcripts of previous university studies and two referee reports. Applications must state Dr A Lanzon in the “Proposed Research Supervisor” field of the online application form.

Informal enquiries should be directed to

PhD Fellowships for Foreign Students, University of Padua

The University of Padova, through the funding of the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Padova e Rovigo, offers research fellowships for foreign students to attend Doctoral Schools/International Courses. During the 3-year doctoral programme, successful candidates will be offered full board and lodging.

Notification of 15 PhD grants for foreign students (24th series)
Deadline: 4 September 2008

Info: Research Training Office
Via del Padovanino, 9 - 35123 Padova
phone +39 049 827 3754/3935 fax +39 049 827 3780
Mail address: via 8 febbraio 2 - 35122 Padova

For more information:

PhD Studentship in Programme Management, Cranfield University

PhD Studentship
The mindsets of effective programme office managers: A phenomenographic study International Centre for Programme Management

Cranfield School of Management - one of Europe’s top management schools - is offering this PhD studentship within its International Centre for Programme Management, a world-leading hub for research into this important emerging discipline. The studentship is tenable for four years from October 2008.

In business and government, programmes are used to transform strategies and policies into desired outcomes and benefits. The ‘programme office’ is the information hub for the programme, performing on behalf of the programme leadership team a variety of functions associated with programme support. Some programme offices have wider responsibilities for the maintenance of corporate standards and processes.

There is a growing recognition that the role of programme office manager requires an individual with a certain mindset, but little is known about the conceptual attributes that make up that mindset. Phenomenography is an established research approach for identifying and mapping the qualitatively different ways in which people conceive a given aspect of reality, in this case the work of a programme office manager. The approach leads to the identification of the key attributes of conception at a number of levels (usually three of four) that distinguish and explain why some individuals are more effective than others.

Applications are invited from exceptionally qualified candidates for this fully funded full-time studentship under the supervision of Dr David Partington. Applicants should have a good first degree in a relevant discipline. Experience of working on projects and programmes is desirable, although not essential. An MBA or relevant specialist masters degree would be an advantage.

The studentship includes full payment of fees at the UK or overseas rate and stipend of £12,940 per annum.

For an informal discussion about the project, please contact Dr David Partington, tel +44 (0)1234 751122, email, Website

The closing date for applications is 31 July 2008.

Full details of the application process, the PhD programme and other PhD projects are available on the School’s website at or from the PhD Programme Manager, Wendy Habgood, on tel +44 (0)1234 754373, email