
Friday, May 2, 2008

Australia: PhD Positions in Bioinformatics

PhD in Bioinformatics [Honours in Stats, Maths, Computer Science or Molecular Biology, and knowledge of Bayesian Stats, Bioinformatics, and/or Computational Biology would be desirable]

Australian National University, University of Queensland and Queensland University of Technology

PhD in Bioinformatics
Several PhD scholarships are available in a newly funded ARC project for developing and applying computational/statistical methods for detection of non-coding RNAs in eukaryote genomes. This is quite a hot topic, so you will be working at the forefront of bioinformatics with leading experts in the field in Australia and internationally.

You will be supervised by Prof Peter Adams (University of Queensland), Dr Jonathan Keith (Queensland University of Technology) and/or Dr Georg Weiller (Australian National University) and located at the university of your principal supervisor. We are looking for candidates with Honours in Statistics, Mathematics, Computer Science or Molecular Biology, and knowledge of Bayesian Statistics,
Bioinformatics, and/or Computational Biology would be desirable.

For more information, please contact Prof Peter Adams (Email: pa[ at ], Phone (07) 33653276), Dr Jonathan Keith (Email:, Phone (07) 31388314) or Dr Georg Weiller (Email:, Phone (02) 61255916).

UK: Master Scholarships in Islamic Studies, Al Maktoum Foundation

Open Scholarships Competition for Postgraduate Students

Scholarships Opportunities for Postgraduate Studies

Al-Maktoum Foundation offers an open scholarships competition for postgraduate students to study at Al-Maktoum Institute, Dundee (University of Aberdeen) in the following one year postgraduate programmes:

  • MLitt in Islamic Studies
  • MLitt in Islamicjerusalem Studies
  • MLitt in Multiculturalism
  • MLitt in Muslims, Globalisation and the West

Scholarships are awarded on a competitive basis to outstanding candidates on the basis of academic distinction.

Deadline for applications 16 May 2008

Further details are available from: or:

The Secretary, Scholarships Committee,
Al-Maktoum Foundation
124 Blackness Road, Dundee DD1 5PE, Scotland, United Kingdom
Tel:01382 908074 Fax: 01382 908077

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Germany: PostDoc/PhD Position in Stochastic Modeling of Cell Populations

The Max Planck Institute for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems in Magdeburg is the first institute of the Max Planck Society dedicated to engineering sciences. Its objective is to bridge the gap between basic research and industrial applications. The newly founded Junior Research Group Population Dynamics aims at a fundamental understanding distributed systems through predictive modelling. We offer a highly interdisciplinary research environment and excellently equipped facilities.

Project: Stochastic Modeling of Cell Populations
The fundamental understanding of cell populations is still limited. In the project stochastic modeling
techniques (kinetic Monte-Carlo) shall be employed to enhance the understanding of the dynamics of virus replication in cell populations. The project will be carried out in close cooperation with the Bioprocess Engineering Group (Prof. U. Reichl) who will provide experimental data.

Your profile
A qualified candidate is interested in applied interdisciplinary research and has an academic background in a relevant scientific subject, such as engineering, physics, or computational biology. Previous experience in scientific computing, modelling of complex systems, Monte-Carlo is highly desirable.

Our Offer
The payment is on the basis of the German Public Salary System (TL-V E13 East). The initial contract has a one year term. Prolongation to a total of three years is intended. Applications from women are particularly welcome. In the case of equal suitability, ability and professional achievements, female candidates will be given preference, provided that the personal qualifications of another candidate are not more appropriate for the position. Applications from candidates with disability are welcome. The position will be filled as soon as possible.

For further information you may contact Heiko

To apply please send your CV, certificates, list of publications, and references (preferably by email)
directly to:
Dr.-Ing. Heiko Briesen
Head of Junior Research Group Population Dynamics
Max-Planck-Institut für Dynamik komplexer technischer Systeme
Sandtorstrasse 1
D-39106 Magdeburg

E-Mail: briesen(AT)

UK: PhD Studetnship at the Department of Management Science

UK: PhD Studetnship at the Department of Management Science, University of Strathclyde

Applications are invited for a 3.5 year PhD scholarship, funded by an EPSRC Mathematics CASE award in conjunction with Simul8.

The aim of this research is to apply new methods from multivariate statistics and decision theory to support analysis of parameter uncertainty and parameter quantification in Discrete Event Simulation (DES). DES is concerned with developing complex stochastic models and obtaining inference on the influence that several input parameters have on specified performance measures through Monte Carlo simulation. Specifically this project will investigate the use of Empirical Bayesian methods which can use data from existing simulation runs at different input parameter settings to estimate the variability of output measures as input parameter settings are changed.

The department of Management Science is an energetic research active department with interests that cover a wide spectrum of interdisciplinary applied operational research. Information on the department can be found at

Information about Simul8 can be found at

Applicants should be UK residents with a 1st or upper 2nd class degree in a quantitative subject area. A masters degree in Operational Research / Management Science/Statistics would be an advantage, but is not essential.

The award covers full fees, some additional research costs and a stipend of GBP 15,940 pa for eligible candidates (see this link for details). A starting date of 1st October 2008 is anticipated.

If you would like to discuss any aspect of this, please contact either:
Prof Tim Bedford (tim.bedford[ at ] or Dr John Quigley (

To apply for the position, please send your CV and a covering letter explaining why you are interested this opportunity, by Friday 20th June 2008 to:

Dr John Quigley
Department of Management Science
University of Strathclyde
40 George Street
Glasgow UK
G1 1QE
(tel)+44 141 548 3152
(fax)+44 141 552 6686

Deadline: 20th June 2008

Ireland: PhD Positions in Civil Engineering, University College Dublin

Ireland: PhD Positions in Civil Engineering, University College Dublin

Applications are invited for up to 2 funded PhD positions in the School of Architecture, Landscape and Civil Engineering at University College Dublin.

The following topics are available:

  1. Environmental effects of recycled asphalt on groundwater quality
  2. Influence of recycled asphalt on the fatigue performance of asphalt layers

Further details on each of these projects are available at:

Interested applicants should have a good honours degree in Civil or Environmental Engineering or a related discipline. Applicants should have good computer skills and a good grasp of bituminous materials and/or water chemistry. The successful candidates should also have excellent command of English. Previous and relevant work experience and/or further graduate studies would be beneficial. The project is funded by the European Union 7th Framework Programme Re-Road and Direct-Mat projects; the successful applicant will initially register for a Master degree with progression to a PhD dependent on performance. The PhD studentship will be awarded for three years with a total annual value of 20,000 euro (including fees). Note that successful candidate will be required to pay a postgraduate registration fee; fees for EU citizens are circa 5,000 euro per annum; for non-EU citizens fees are circa 10,000 europer annum.

Questions & Application
Further information can be obtainedbycontacting Dr Ciaran McNally at . Applications should include an up to date CV with 2 references and a cover letter and can be sent by email or to:
Dr. Ciaran McNally,School of Architecture, Landscape and Civil Engineering,Newstead, Belfield, Dublin 4, IRELAND.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Ireland: Research Positions in Software Appliance Anomaly Detection

Ireland: Research Positions in Software Appliance Anomaly Detection

Applications are invited by well-qualified applicants for an MSc (by research) and PhD position in the application of statistical machine learning techniques to anomaly detection in software
appliances (firewalls etc).

Supported by a major manufacturer, the project will involve the development of new approaches for predictive modelling of measured signals, adaptive learning and inference of fault conditions. The project is supported by a dedicated hardware testbed and as part of the project the developed detection approaches will be implemented in order to evaluate performance in realistic environments.

Good numerate and analytic skills will be essential. Applicants should have a good understanding of machine learning and time-series analysis. A basic understanding of IP networking and some familiarity with the configuration and use of Linux or BSD systems will be helpful.

The Hamilton Institute is committed to research excellence. This post offers an exciting opportunity for successful candidates to tackle fundamental research problems within a stimulating multi-disciplinary research environment with state of the art facilities and strong links to the international research community.

Stipend: €21000 (tax free)

To apply, candidates should submit a detailed CV and the names and addresses of two referees for letters of recommendation to: Applicants should also include transcipts of undegraduate grades, motivation letter. Informal enquiries to Prof. Doug Leith (

More information :