
Friday, October 17, 2008

PhD Scholarship in Solids Mechanics and Composite Materials

PhD Scholarship in Solids Mechanics and Composite Materials, Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal, Canada

The Mechanical Engineering Department of École Polytechnique de Montréal is recruiting one Ph.D. student in the field of Solids Mechanics and Composite Materials. The project title is: “In-situ mechanical properties identification for a composite material by the finite element updating method based on images obtained by X-ray microtomography”.

X-ray microtomography can be used to generate 3D images of a material. It is possible with this technique to see inside a material and construct 3D representations of the microstructure without inducing damage. The Skyscan-1172 is a device that allows generating 3D microtomography images. In addition, this device can be equipped with a miniature compression machine that allows imaging some samples while being loaded. The team of professor Lévesque is currently working on the development of a methodology that would allow measuring the displacements inside the material based a digital volume correlation (DVC) algorithm.

The objective of this project is to use the measurements of this DVC tool in order to obtain the mechanical properties of the matrix inside a composite material. The approach consists first in generating a Finite Element (FE) mesh of the real material based on the 3D tomography images. Then conduct compressive testing on the sample and obtain the displacements field as a function of the applied load. Finally, the mechanical properties of the matrix simulated into the FE model would be adjusted until the difference between the experimental results and the FE predictions are minimized.

The student will have a financial support of $19 000 / year, tax free. The financial support is for three years. The position is available right now and up to May 2009. Different arrangements can be made.

The candidate should show a very strong background in computational mechanics, mathematics and programming. This project is part of a larger research program involving another Ph.D., one M.Sc. and a Post-Doc. candidates.

The interested candidates should send:

  1. Transcripts for their B.Ing. and M.Sc. (or equivalent). It is preferable to send translated copies (either English of French) but if the translation is not available the native language copies can be sent.
  2. Curriculum Vitea (CV).
  3. Cover letter explaining the motivation to pursue Ph.D. studies and a career plan.
  4. Name and email address of 3 references.
  5. List of publications and some samples.

Professor Martin Lévesque

2009 Research Scholarships, Swinburne University : Australia

2009 Swinburne Research Scholarships, Australia

Swinburne is currently offering over 120 Research Scholarships…

Closing date for applications: 31 October 2008

Swinburne University offers a range of scholarships for Research Higher Degrees (PhD’s, Masters by Research etc.). Applications for the 2009 scholarship round are now open and will close on 31 October 2008. You can become part of a dynamic research culture by applying for a research scholarship and completing a Research Higher Degree at Swinburne.

Our research scholarships provide opportunities in:

  • Arts, Psychology and Social Science
  • Astrophysics
  • Biotechnology
  • Brain Sciences
  • Business, Entrepreneurship and Management
  • Design
  • Engineering
  • Information and Communication Technologies
  • Sustainability
  • Science and Technology

For futher information, please visit:

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

PhD Studentships in High Voltage Laboratory, Southampton

PhD Studentships in High Voltage Laboratory, University of Southampton : Uk

The School of Electronics and Computer Science at the University of Southampton is a world class centre of research excellence. The School is the largest of its kind in the UK and it was awarded the top grade (5*) for its research in Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Computer Science in the 2001 national assessment of research in UK universities.

Three fully funded 3 year PhD studentships are available within the Tony Davies High Voltage Laboratory for experimental-based research in the areas of either: dielectric materials, medium voltage cables or condition monitoring. For further information about the laboratory and its research please see

Applicants should have (or expect to gain) a 1st or 2.1 class degree in a relevant discipline, for example electrical engineering, physics, materials science or polymer chemistry and must be eligible for an EPSRC Doctoral Training Award. Experience or interest in transmission and distribution plant would be advantageous.

In the first instance, potential candidates should contact Dr. Paul Lewin (email: or telephone: +44 (0)23 8059 3586) for further information.

For more details about research within the School of Electronics and Computer Science and the application procedure, please see the ECS Postgraduate Admissions (

The closing date for applications is 14 November 2008.

PhD Research Fellowship, Science and Technology : Norway

PhD research fellowship “Modeling and simulation of anomalous transport phenomena”

One PhD research fellowship on “Modeling and simulation of anomalous transport phenomena” is available at the Norwegian University of Science en technology, Department of Energy and Process Engineering, Faculty of Engineering Science and Technology. The fellowship is within a project financed by SINTEF Energy Research.

The objective of the current project is to improve fundamental understanding of anomalous transport phenomena in particle systems. The main focus will be to develop physical models and simulation tools capable of describing anomalous transport phenomena at different scales. A strong modelling-simulation activity coupling is intended in the PhD project. The development of analytical models to describe and analyze the detailed physics of anomalous transport phenomena in engineering application is expected. One and two-dimensional models should be considered.

PhD candidates are expected to hold a master’s level degree in a subject relevant for the PhD project and to have a good combination of knowledge and skills in the following areas: physical modelling, mathematical modelling, scientific computing, and programming.

The PhD fellowship is limited to 3 years. It is required that the person employed satisfies the requirements for PhD students, participates in the course program of the PhD studies, and finishes the PhD degree within 3 years.

Further information about the position may be obtained from Associate Professor Carlos A. Dorao, email: or Research Scientist Jana Poplsteinova Jakobsen email:

Conditions of appointment:
PhD students follow code 1017, grade 45 – 51, gross NOK 353 000 to NOK 391 500 per year (before tax). PhD students are normally remunerated at wage level 45. There will be a 2 % deduction to the Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund from gross salary.

Engagement as a PhD candidate is done in accordance with current appointment regulations with supplementary rules in force giving guidelines for scholarship appointments in universities and university colleges. The goal of each of the announced positions is to obtain a PhD degree. Applicants are obliged to engage in an organized PhD training program, and appointment requires approval of the applicant’s plan for a PhD study within three months from the date of commencement. A contract of employment will be set up for the engagement period regulating the rights and duties of the PhD student.

The engagement is to be made in accordance with the regulations in force concerning State Employees and Civil Servants.

The positions adhere to the Norwegian Government’s policy of balanced ethnicity, age and gender. Persons with immigrant background and women are encouraged to apply.

The application must contain information of educational background and work experience. Copies of transcripts and reference letters should be enclosed.

An application inclusive CV, grade transcripts and other enclosures should be sent electronically through, IVT-69/08. Preferably, we want the attachments in one file.

Application deadline: 24 october 2008.

MS and PhD Opportunities in Marine Sciences : USA

MS and PhD Opportunities in Marine Sciences, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, The Department of Marine Sciences M.S. and Ph.D. Opportunities in Marine Sciences

The Department of Marine Sciences at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill invites applicants for graduate study in Ph.D. and M.S. programs. Our Marine Sciences program has substantial federal, state and private funding support for cutting-edge research on topics including marine ecology, biogeochemical processes, marine microbiology, coastal and estuarine physical oceanography, river-ocean interactions, coastal geology, fluid dynamics and acoustics. These interdisciplinary, collaborative projects are increasing our understanding of the marine environment and are assessing impacts of human- and climatically-induced change in the coastal zone. Graduates of our program hold positions in a variety of settings, including at universities and research institutions (within the US and abroad), and in federal and state agencies.

We are addressing a wide range of environmental processes and problems along the continuum spanning riverine, estuarine, coastal and open ocean environments around the globe including the Arctic, the Amazon, the US East Coast and Florida Keys, the Caribbean/Gulf of Mexico and Gulf of California, Chinese rivers and lakes, and the Pacific, including the Galapagos Islands (where UNC-Chapel Hill maintains a field laboratory). Research projects focus on the ecosystem and regional scale, utilizing field experimental, observational and modeling approaches. Details of specific research projects and publications can be found at

Potential students are strongly encouraged to contact our Academic Program Coordinator ( and relevant individual professors by email.

Recruitment events will be held in late February and middle March. Interested applicants should contact the Department to learn about the possibility of support for your visit to the UNC-Chapel Hill campus.

Top candidates will be nominated for Graduate School awards including competitive 5 year Fellowships. All entering graduate students are supported by Fellowships, Teaching and Research Assistantships, and generally receive tuition remission and in-state tuition awards.

All Ph.D. students in Marine Sciences are eligible for Gussenhoven Endowment Travel Funds to attend scientific conferences or visit outside laboratories. Chapel Hill and the North Carolina coast are excellent places to live and the academic resources at UNC Chapel Hill are of the highest national quality.

Phd Studentships at the University of Winchester

Phd Studentships at the University of Winchester, UK

The University of Winchester will have a number of fully-funded PhD studentships, attached to Research Centres, available from February 2009 for three years. Candidates should have, or expect to obtain, a first class or upper second class degree and a Masters degree in a relevant subject area. The studentships are reserved for potential full-time students.

The University is a dynamic institution with an ambitious research agenda. As one of the UK’s smallest and most innovative universities, we offer a stimulating research environment and rigorous research training combined with the intimacy and personal interaction only a small institution can afford. We have established strengths in subject areas ranging across: archaeology, communication, cultural and media studies; dance, drama and performing arts (including contemporary performance across disciplines); English and creative writing; education; history; theology and religious studies.

Within and across these disciplines, our research centres create effervescent communities of reflection that explore new knowledges across the scholarly continuum.

Subject areas for proposals are open, but must be within the remit of the Research Centre within which you hope to work. Please refer to our website for further information on Research Centres, and please feel free to approach academic members of staff for advice. For all information and initial inquiries, contact Chrissie Ferngrove at the address below. Information on our research centres is available at

If you are unsure whether your proposed project can be supervised, please submit a paragraph explaining what you are intending to do, by email to Chrissie Ferngrove (again, see below), for onward transmission to the relevant Faculty Head of Research & Knowledge Exchange.

Applications are welcome from domestic, EU and non-EU International Students. From 1 February 2008, the University is offering domestic tuition rates to all overseas doctoral students who qualify for study.

Existing Probationer research students at the University of Winchester may also apply.

For application forms and further information please contact:
Chrissie Ferngrove
Research & Knowledge Exchange Co-ordinator
The Research & Knowledge Exchange Centre
University of Winchester
Winchester SO22 4NR

Tel: 01962 827483

Closing date for applications: 31 October 2008
Interviews to be held: early to mid November 2008